The spell signature table referenced in the mishap tables does not appear to be present in this document.
It's in Player's Companion. No room to say so, though.
> Boil Blood, "scalding puss" should probably be pus.
Yes, yes, it should.
> Call Wild Bear - I'm surprised that summoning a black bear is the same level effect as summoning a cave bear, given that cave bears are much stronger.
It's just how the spell build worked out.
Call of the Wild Bear (3): Summoning, summon a creature (65), creature may have up to 8 HD (x0.7), creature may have up to 1 special ability (x1), restricted to certain monsters – bears (x0.7), range special – creature(s) arrives by means of own locomotion from nearest lair (x0.66), duration 1 day (x1.25), no saving throw (x1), eldritch (x1), total cost 26.3
> "Melee attack throws against agonized creatures automatically hit if the If the attacker" - "if the" duplicated.
Good catch, thank you!
> Destroy Dead is marked as Black in its description on p134 (and on the table on 121), but this seems like the canonical example of "Death spells which exclusively harm the undead." Is it black because it can be used to destroy unanimated corpses?
Yes. And also it just didn't "feel" like a grey or white spell. It's more of an ash-and-doom than glorious-radiance type feel.
> "The affected creature must have at least three limbs (hands and feet) free to swim, but needs no climbing gear or handholds." Well I should hope so...
Ergh, indeed.
> p158, "Plans are immune" should be Plants.
My plans are immune because I have Military Strategy +4.
> The 100 / Unusual entry also references "the rust cacodemon" and vampires; looks like a find-replace.
The dread rust cacodemon is widely feared.
> Reading Dragon, it seems like it would've been a lot clearer to make wings / flight a special ability, rather than having winged dragons lose a special ability.
This. Is. ACKS!
> "A wyvern’s attack routine consists of either a bite and a tail attack and, if winged, two talon attacks." should be "A wyvern’s attack routine consists of either a bite and a tail attack *or*, if winged, two talon attacks.", per the table on p166.
Actually it's just like wyvern, the base monster. They can choose a bite/tail or two talons but the attack routine includes both.
> Would also have been nice for usability if Monitor were on that table; I assume it's the same as in Core, and get that it's especially complicated for monitors, but it's an extra book to dig out / lookup to do.
Every table in the sample is missing its right-hand column. Monitor will be there, it just got deleted accidentally by the layout artist. This is true of a bunch of your other comments too...!
> "may stop to listen to the pleas or praise of a soon to be lunch." would be clearer to parse as "soon-to-be lunch".
"but if hungry stymph will be lucky to replace one per month." should be "but a hungry...".
> The footer on the whole monsters chapter says "Eldritch Spell Lists".
Yup, we're fixing.
> I *love* the "more common coin" / bulkier treasures, plays very nicely to megadungeon logistics (which I understand is not the focus of this supplement, but is something I would totally steal for non-heroic games) without having to deal with the hassle of selling trade goods.
I think the treasure system in HFH is a substantial improvement over the core system and am using it for all my games.
> 4d4 rechargeable first-level trinkets is a lot of trinkets to generate and keep track of.
It is, yeah.
> "the bow will call a large roc to server the wielder" should be serve. p197,
> "the judge is placing a rare trinket +5", should be talisman (along with other references to trinket in that boxed text) p203, short-statured: where do spears fall?