I have started an ACKs specific blog at http://www.bythisaxe.com/
This is my first blog and it is functional in appearance at best. However, I hope the content is to your liking. I plan to post roughly once a week.
Thank you!
I have started an ACKs specific blog at http://www.bythisaxe.com/
This is my first blog and it is functional in appearance at best. However, I hope the content is to your liking. I plan to post roughly once a week.
Thank you!
Great blog! I’m looking forward to reading your analysis of the proficiencies system. The new Witch tradition is a nice add to the game, too.
Thank you for your kind words!
This week, I have two posts on my blog.
Your analysis of the proficiencies was really well done.
A lot of thought went into the specific proficiencies given to each class so there’d be implicit favor. It really is satisfying to see that robustly analyzed.
For anyone interested, this week I’ve posted “Proficiencies 101: Customization” and the first post in a new series, “Into the Vaults: SPI’s Swords & Sorcery”.
First, the top-level domain for my blog has moved to http://www.bythisaxe.co/
Second, I am very pleased to be approaching the one year anniversary of my blog, on March 29th!
I am celebrating with my new posts this month and maybe a surprise or two.
Thank you very much for all the kind comments over the past year!