This is a semi-racial version, and is well-designed for skulking about tombs at low levels, trying to dig up the treasures and secrets to fund research, serving as a leader and vizier to beastmen lords in Chaotic armies during the mid levels, and finally establishing a proper boss fight domain in the upper levels. Madness is a special language available to devotees of Chaos in Oceana, which looks like ravings of a madman (particularly in journal form), but often contains arcane secrets for those in the know. Even knowing Madness is enough to make others look at you a bit askance, however.
Chaos Devotee. A human who has devoted themselves to Chaos. The degree to which they have done so is determined by the build points they put into this “racial” class.
0 build points. This grants infravision 60’, a +1 to surprise rolls when underground, and one bonus language (Madness). XP cost 125. The cost of the Arcane value is reduced by 125, thanks to the granted gifts in that regard from Chaos.
1 build point. As above, plus 1/3 arcane caster. XP cost 750.
2 build points. As above, plus 1/2 arcane caster. XP cost 1,375.
3 build points. As above, plus 2/3 arcane caster. XP cost 2,000.
4 build points. As above, plus full arcane caster. XP cost 2,500.
In all cases, add +50,000 XP per level above 8th.
Build: HD 0 (1d4) [XP 0]; Fighting Ability 1b (Thief; no armor, restricted weapons, two-handed) [XP 500]; Thievery Ability 1 (Hear Noise, Hide in Shadows, Move Silently) [XP 225]; Arcane 2 + Chaos Devotee 2 (drop constructs and crossbreeds) [XP 2,500]. Net 7.426 customs. Maximum level 11th.
Level / XP / Title
1 / 0 / Gravedigger
2 / 3,225 / Tomb Thief
3 / 6,450 / Anatomist
4 / 12,900 / Malefactor
5 / 25,800 / Necromancer
6 / 51,600 / Necromancer (6th)
7 / 105,000 / Necromancer (7th)
8 / 210,000 / Necromancer (8th)
9 / 410,000 / Dark Master
10 / 610,000 / Dark Master (10th)
11 / 810,000 / Lord of Undead
Customs by level:
- Black Lore (control undead, necro benefits). Cost 1.142.
- Shadow (re-skinned familiar). Cost 1.142.
- Sense Undead (full turn, at will). Cost 1.142.
- Anatomical Knowledge (backstab). Cost 0.857.
- Master of Monsters (Chaotic minion Morale +2 when led directly by the necromancer). Cost 0.714.
- When the necromancer founds a sanctum, 6d6×5 hit dice of Chaotic monster followers are attracted to offer their services, plus 1d6 necromancers of level 1–3. The monsters are fanatically loyal (Morale +4) and must be fed and housed, but require no wages. The sanctum counts as a Chaotic Altar, and money spent on the fortification of the sanctum also counts toward the size of the Sinkhole created by it. Cost 1.287.
- After the Flesh. Cost 0.858.
- Control Undead as a cleric of full level. Cost 0.286.
The Chaotic monster followers was treated as two customs. The sanctum Chaotic Altar effect was treated as one custom. After the Flesh was counted as three customs.
Like a regular mage, the necromancer gains the ability to research spells, scrolls, and potions at 5th level; the ability to research more powerful items at 9th; and the ability to create undead and research and cast ritual magic at 11th.