Hi everyone.
First off I really like the PC as is and like the idea of the Nubrian race but it doesn`t really fit my setting. Also I wanted a “better than man” race modelled more closely on the archetypical greed demigods. More “Herkules smash” less divine casting. Also I wanted to have a spartan warrior race /class for my setting so I thought: Why not both.
For the race there is not much to say. I took the Nubrian, stripped the cleric and replaced him with fighter & hit points for the same XP prices as normal. Then I added some more divine goodness at a price of 150XP per ability.
For the class that`s just built up from the race.
If you like it (or not any comment is appreciated. Especially I`m looking for:
- I`m pretty stuck on the hit dice and fighter stick, but should they get the other goodies?
- If yes at what price?
- Is it over or under powered? I´d rather go with overpowered since they have those really high entry requirements (11+ in all attr.), and as Alex pointed out somewhere else in the forum this also means they are extremely unlikely to have high primaries.
- Does it make another class obsolete? I.e. does it everything someone else does just better? That would be rude. The class overlaps most with mystic, barbarian, dwarven fury, paladin and fighter. As far as I can see the overlap with mystic is probably greatest.
So without further ado I give you:
God Blooded
God Blooded are mortals whose vains pulse with the ichor oft the divine. They may be the result of divine lust or they may have drunk from the ambrosia. Maybe they even wrought the divine spark from the corpse of a dead god. Whatever their origin the god blooded stand above normal humans in almost every way.
In my campaign world the true god blooded (lv 4 racial) are the mythical heroes of old, demigods in their own right. Today only a single city remains with a significant god blooded populations of lesser heritage.
God Blooded like their Auran counterparts the Nobrian are modelled as larger than life humans. They primarily resemble the greek demigods in their fighting prowess and toughness
All God Blooded classes require a minimum 11 or better in all ability scores. Those who truly embody the epic heroes of old must be above average in every respect
When building a God Blooded custom class, assign between 0 and 4 build points to the God Blooded Value.
Level 0: 125XP
At God Blooded 0, all God Bloodeds gain the following custom powers:
Divine Blessing: As the favored of the Empyrean powers, all God Blooded characters receive a +2 bonus to all saving throws.
Blood of Kings: The blood of ancient kings and heroes flows in every God Blooded. The character may hire one more henchman than his Charisma would otherwise permit, and the base morale score of any henchmen is increased by 1.
Heroic Spirit: Because of the God Blooded`s courageous spirit, the maximum class level for any God Blooded class is increased by 1.
Longevity: All God Blooded characters are ageless and enjoy a lifespan three times longer than that of normal men. Like elves, they are immune to ghoul paralysis.
Level 1: 775 XP
+1 Hit Dice Value
Divine Health: The character knows how to purify his body and soul. He is immune to all forms of disease, including magical diseases caused by spells, mummies, or lycanthropes. This is effectively the Divine Health proficiency selected as a custom power. For flavor, mystics call this power purity of body and soul and paladins call it sanctified body. [Mystic, Paladin]
Level 2: 1425 XP
+1 Fighting Value
Wholeness of Body: The character is immune to all forms of poison, including magical poisons. [Mystic]
Level 3: 2075 XP
+2 Hit Dice Value
Savage Resilience: When the character is required to consult the Mortal Wounds table, the player may roll twice and choose the preferred result to apply. The character also subtracts his class level from the number of days of bed rest required to recover. [Barbarian, Dwarven Fury]
Level 4: 2725 XP
- 2 Fighting Value
Glamorous Aura: The character is able to project a glamorous aura that awes, bedazzles and seduces those in his presence. He gains a +2 bonus to reaction rolls to impress and intimidate people he encounters. If this bonus results in a total of 12 or more, the subjects act as if charmed while in his presence. This is effectively the Mystic Aura proficiency, selected as a custom power. [Elven Enchanter]
Stronghold: Acropolis, 3d6x10 1st level, God Blooded Value 0+
The demigod custom class has:
Fighting Value 2
Hit Dice Value 2
God Blooded: 4
They get d12 hit dice and hero attack bonus and a lot of bonus abilities, hence the name demigod…
God Blooded increase the amount of experience required to gain each level after 8th by 40,000XP.