I’ve been working on this on and off for a while, and I feel I’ve reached a point where there’s enough content to be worth sharing.
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The following pages off that link have content.
Chapter 2: Overview
Chapter 3: Psionic Classes
Chapter 5: Psionic Powers
Chapter 6: The Psionic Campaign has notes, but no finished content.
To provide a summary:
-Psionic characters have a pool of PSPs and a power throw value (both based on class and level). All powers have a Difficulty rating (which maps to spell level, 1-6; devotions are 1-3, sciences are 4-6). A psionic character must succeed in a power throw and pay the PSP cost of a power to manifest it, then must pay the maintenance cost every time unit to maintain it. (Some powers cost X/round, some X/turn, some X/hour, etc).
-Four psionic classes and the psionic class value are in the Psionic Classes section.
-A variety of powers for each discipline (roughly ten sciences and twenty devotions each, though the exact number varies by discipline). The first numbers pass for cost and effect has been completed, but there was a lot of handwaving involved in designing them, and I am sure there are major balance problems just waiting to be discovered.
-There’s a full psionic combat subsystem that requires zero reference to a chart or table in play, it simply requires everyone who uses a power to know what that specific power does. If you don’t use it, you don’t need to know what it does. (That’s in the Overview).
More content is likely to randomly appear at times when I happen to update it.
If anyone manages to read it, and has thoughts or feedback, let me know! I think I’m pretty much completely sold on the power throw mechanic, but the specific costs and PSPs gained are still definitely up for review, and of course the effects of any specific power can be changed with ease.