I am currently planning on adding a PBEM group to my current campaign (http://www.autarch.co/campaign/19) that started back in August. I only played in one PBEM game and never was GM for one myself so I dont know if things will work out as planned but I want to give it a try anyway.
There is a wiki for the campaign (http://campaignwiki.org/wiki/BeremAndBeyond/HomePage) but its largely in German at the moment, though the automatic webpage translation of the Chrome browser does quite a decent job. The direction of the campaign will be pretty free form with the characters seeking their own fate, fame and fortune in a county deep in the wilderness that is ruled with an iron fist.
I am not quite sure about how many players I want but with the ones I already have maybe 3 or 4 more. The pacing should be around two posts per week for starters and besides running adventures there is always some “off-time” where players can pursue their own long term projects.
What do you guys think? Anybody interested in giving that a try?