Retreat Duration

I get the 1d10 rounds bit, but what about “no longer pursued by any enemies”? Does that mean that if nobody is firing at them or attacking them or moving toward them?

What if they weren’t engaged in the first place? My party lost half of its members in an ambush by carcass-scavengers (nasty), and understandably many of the hirelings at the other end of the marching order were a bit shaken up by the sudden experience. If nobody is immediately trying to get them, do they run, or just lose a round to knee-rattling?

Ok, maybe I don’t understand this that well after all.

The monsters will continue to retreat/withdraw until they are no longer pursued by any enemies, or until a minimum of 1d10 rounds have elapsed.

I read this as:

Not Persued = Recover
Pursued = Minimum of 10 Rounds

But maybe it’s:

Pursued = Keep Running
Not Pursued = 1d10 Rounds


"The monsters will continue to retreat/withdraw until they are  no longer pursued by any enemies, or until a minimum of 1d10 rounds have elapsed."

The operative word is "minimum". The rule means:

1. The monsters will continue to retreat until they are no longer pursued by enemies.

2. Even if pursuit is non-existent or broken off sooner, the minimum amount of time the monsters will retreat is 1d10 rounds.