This is essentially a follow up to the unresolved question here:
I’m going to be proposing a new campaign to my old college DM, who’s woken back up with the release of 5E - I asked him if he’d ever had any love for the domain level game and he replied ‘Yes, that’s why I liked Birthright so much.’ and I was like, “Oh, wee lamb, let me show you this ACKS.”
Anyway. I’ve got a custom race I’ve been working on that is given the Command proficiency as a custom power at Racial 0.
(edit: bah! Command happens at Racial 4, mixed it up with Leadership in my head)
I’m also a fan of the Aristocrat/Warlord class that floats around a few places here that gets Command as a custom power at Level 1.
Should that stack? You’re looking at a minimum of +4 to morale, +5 at 5th level, and likely a CHA mod on top of that.
Assume a +1 CHA, that’s +6 morale for a directly commanded unit, or a minimum of 8 - Waver, but only a ~3% chance of that (2 on 2d6).
The army modifier for the same is a +3, that’s a minimum (assuming a CHA-less unit commander) of Flee, again, a ~3% chance.
I’m inclined to let it happen, for the following reasons:
D@W’s Morale Phase is solid and effective, and even a unit with a +6 MM will eventually have enough sense beat into it by situational modifiers that a result of Flee gets at least into the 15% range; and, that’s just one unit amongst many.
A battle that’s going badly for this super-moraled army might mean they’re getting much more punished than they would if they’d simply flee/rout - manually retreating your army is fraught with all sorts of things that can go horribly wrong.
Related to the previous, the full modifier is only for a single unit, and that’s cut in half (round up) for the entire army. The devious DM may allow this super-commander’s reputation to precede him or her, and opponents would do well to have some stratagem to eliminate the general ASAP. A kill-the-general gambit is never not fun.
Since D@W’s been out a while and we’ve all got some experience with the Morale Phase, I’d appreciate other thoughts on the matter; espc. with what I may be missing in this.