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Changelings recognize that the world itself is more flexible than other races would like to believe. Those changelings who dedicate themselves to arcane pursuits, called recasters, are able to warp themselves and others with powerful transmogrifications. What they do not change, they cover with lifelike illusion. With sufficient experience, they can even bend the rules of magic itself, casting spells normally disallowed to arcane casters.
At first level, recasters hit an unarmored foe (AC 0) with an attack throw of 10+. They advance in attack throws and saving throws as mages, by two points every six levels of experience. Recasters are proficient only with a restricted array of weapons, namely the club, dagger, dart, and sling. They may not use shields, wield a weapon two-handed, or wield two weapons, or wear any kind of armor. They may use any magical items available to mages or thieves.
As changelings, recasters have the ability to change their shape into that of any other humanoid creature. The changeling can control his new shape’s physical qualities (such as height, weight, gender, hair color, hair texture, and skin color) within the normal ranges for a creature of its kind. His equipment, if any, remains worn or held where possible, and otherwise melds into his new form. Changing form in this manner requires one full turn of concentration, and will last up to 6 turns, plus 1 turn per level of experience the changeling has gained. The changeling may use this ability no more than once per hour.
In addition to his morphic body, the changeling has a slippery mind. This grants him a +4 bonus to saving throws against any enchantment effects, such as those that would charm, hold, or command him. Changelings also have a masterful social intuition, granting them a +2 bonus to all reaction rolls when attempting to bargain, deal, or parley with intelligent creatures.
Recasters learn and cast arcane spells as mages of their character level. If they gain proficiency in armor through the armor training proficiency, they may cast spells in such armor.
The protean nature of the recasters gives them insight into the mysteries of transmogrification. The effects of their transmogrification spells are calculated as if they were two levels higher, and the targets of these spells save at -2. They may also begin creating crossbreeds at 9th level, and do so as mages of two levels higher than their own level.
Recasters are also masters of illusion. The spell effects of any illusions they cast are calculated at +2 caster level, and those attempting to disbelieve such spells save at -2. They are also treated as being two levels higher for purposes of magical research into illusion spells.
Changeling recasters can accomplish simple illusions and sleight of hand tricks with ease. They gain the benefits of the prestidigitation proficiency, including the ability to pick pockets as a thief of one-half their class level.
The changeling recaster has a mutable repertoire – he can replace a spell in his repertoire with only one week of study, and doing so costs a flat 1000gp. He must have a copy of the spell formula for the spell he is adding to his repertoire, and does not lose the formula for the spell he is removing from his repertoire.
Beginning at 3rd level, the recaster is able to cast his spells with minimal words and gestures. Treat this as if he had taken the quiet magic proficiency.
Recasters of 5th level or higher may begin to research spells, scribe scrolls, and brew potions.
At 5th level, the recaster also learns to shape his spells. When casting a spell with an area of effect, he may warp the area so as to exclude one man-sized creature from its area. For each two levels he gains past 5th, he may exclude one additional man-sized creature. Larger creatures can be excluded as if they were multiple man-sized creatures, and multiple smaller creatures may be excluded as if they were a single man-sized creature, at the Judge’s discretion.
At 7th level, the recaster gains access to an expanded repertoire of four additional spells known. These spells can be of any spell level, and may even include spells not on the arcane list. The recaster may immediately fill these slots with spells he has observed (if desired), or hold them. Once filled, they do not benefit from the mutable repertoire ability; the recaster may change out the spells in his expanded repertoire at the normal cost of 1 week and 1,000 gp per spell level.
A recaster of 9th level may create more powerful magical items, such as weapons, rings, and staffs. At this level, the recaster may also begin to experiment with magical crossbreeding.
When a recaster reaches 9th level (Recaster), he may also establish a sanctum, attracting 1d6 followers of 1st to 3rd level, plus 2d6 0th level apprentices seeking to study the arcane arts. These followers might be of any races and/or classes the Judge deems appropriate, based on the character’s persona and the campaign’s history, but should be able to cast arcane spells.
At 11th level, the recaster may learn and cast ritual arcane spells and craft magical constructs. Chaotic recasters may engage in necromancy, transforming themselves or their minions into undead monstrosities.
Changeling Recaster Proficiency List: Alchemy, Alertness, Armor Training, Bribery, Climbing, Collegiate Wizardry, Contortionism, Disguise, Eavesdropping, Familiar, Healing, Illusion Resistance, Intimidation, Knowledge, Language, Lip Reading, Loremastery, Magical Engineering, Magical Music, Martial Training, Mimicry, Naturalism, Passing Without Trace, Performance, Profession, Racial Emulation, Running, Sensing Power, Soothsaying, Swashbuckling, Unflappable Casting