I've posted several custom classes for my Astonishing ACKS game, set in the Hyperborean campaign setting (from North Wind Games), and have a few more to share today...
Chief among the Hyperborean deities is Xathoqqua, an Old One portrayed as a colossal, sloth-bodied toad covered in brown-black fur.
I've posted an entry on my gameblog entitled The Many Faces of Xathoqqua which details the following custom classes/traditions/background templates:
- Xathoqquan Cleric: Staunch warrior-priests of the Xathoqquan Orthodoxy.
- Sorcerer-Priest: Combine arcane spellcasting with divine powers from their antemundane patron.
- Xathoqquan Witch: Many Witches take Xathoqqua as their patron.
- Xathoqquan Monk: Disciples of an ascetic tradition focused on perfecting the body and mind.
- Xathoqquan Purloiner: A thief who practices the divine magic of Xathoqqua.
(As always, thoughts/opinions are welcome.)