I’m trying to design a new type of urban settlement. It’s a Temple Complex, with income from donations, trade and the performance of miracles and spells.
I’ve run into trouble coming up with some reasonable numbers for the income and expenses, though.
Firstly - normal urban settlements have urban revenue, and urban expenses.
If I take an urban settlemnt with 100 families, the income would be (100 x 7) 700 gp.
Garisson works out to 200 gp, Upkeep to 150, Taxes to 140 and Tithes to 70 gp.
But that would mean a profit of 140 gp/month. The rulebook tells me an average urban settlemnt of 100 people makes 25 gp. Factoring in one quarter of the seasonal Festival (500/4 = 125) gives me a net income of 15gp.
Which number should I take as a basis for designing Urban Income? After all, plaers can always decide NOT to throw a festival. Is 25 gp the more reasonable number? Or is 15 the one I should go for? (All in all, it would seem logical that a Temple Complex would have more ánd mandatory festivals)
Secondly - I tried calculating what the gp value of Divine spells cast in such an environment would be. Let’s say we concenrate on spells level 1 - 3, as I imaging hig level Clerics are needed elsewhere, and would go adventuring. Going by the spell availability per market table, I get the foloing numbers:
Class V market: 1st level: 2 - 12 castings per day, 2nd level 1-3 castings per day, 3rd: 0-1 castinge per day.
Factoring in the cost per spell (10 gp for a first level spell, 40 for 2nd, etc), I get between 60 and 390 gp a day of potential spells to be cast! On average, that’s 6750 gp per month - and that’s just a Class V market!
Are these numbers realistic? Or did I mess up somewhere? Because it seems gathering up some clerics and havig them cast spells for money is a good way to get filthy rich! Now obviously, those clerics won’t be casting all day, every day, but even allowing for that, we’re talking BIG money.