Visionary Illo: An Elven Nightblade Seeks Out His Prey

This latest illustration is the brainchild of backer Adam Easterday, who also contributed a character that was used in our Gen Con demo. The illustration comes from a short story tableau he included with his character submission, in which Elven Nightblade Theylon D’Esse hunts down a beastman who has something he wants… The written narrative was wonderfully evocative and hugely beneficial in helping me dream up an appropriate image.


Ryan: You did a fabulous job, thank you!! Better than I even pictured in my mind’s eye.

I like how still it is, and that the horse is looking at the beastman.

Sean – Interesting that you note that because that “stillness” was an element of the scene I was focused on from beginning but never really communicated to Ryan (though its mentioned in my short story write-up with the character on which the illustration is based) yet he instinctively captured it.