Greetings all,
the title says it all! I started gaming around the time DnD was released, however as I live in Germany I started with The Dark Eye instead of DnD. Because of this I missed the Original playstyle and rules. My first contact with DnD was actually ADnD 2nd. ACK is the first game I bought that seems part of the Old school renaissance? Sorry, As I said, not very familiar with this side of gaming yet.
I am reading the ACK core book at the moment and It contains many things I find… weird. XP for treasure is one example that springs to my mind was the first where I though “WTF?”. I will try to roll with it even though it goes against my instincts. I come from a tradition where monsters and treasures did not provide XP but the players received XP upon reaching certain goals within an adventure.
Anyway, I am looking to get a campaign going as ACK really reads great. Now as I was not part of the original DnD story I do not own any of the original modules. Often I read about B1 and B2 and I have started to Google them. I can´t check as RPG now is down, but are these “old” adventures still available? Are there “Modern” alternatives that are easy to use with ACK? Maybe there is an article or blog out there especially for this?
I also never created a campaign fully from 0 and I find it surprisingly challenging. I am torturing Hexographer right now. All the population calculations and trade routes etc seem a bit much work at first glance. I am trying to understand the value of that information as all worlds I have played and GMed in where never as detailed in this regard.
I guess that`s it for now, any relpies and insights are very welcome!