Ascendant DC Campaign Log. Justice League: Caribbean

Alright Ladies and Gentlemen, we are back! After a long pause due to various scheduling issues, re return to the DC Universe.

So, we open on Dr. Fate from the prior session being wrong, and the cult not making there move the following day. One Week has instead passed. This is relevant becuase in between end of last session and the following day, Zebraspider had a little outing with Kat Grant in an effort to make peace, in which he put to bed her concerns on were he get’s money being some kind of insurance scam. She was, still not impressed with the trick of handing mobsters over too a licensed bounty hunter for a split of the rewards, insisting it was only a temporary option because Crime is evidently a finite resource, but she admitted it wasn’t as bad as she’d at first assumed. She suggested when the funds could be cobbled Together putting a fund in place for damages and such, which Zebraspider is at least considering talking too the league about once the league are Nazi Robot Free. She did also put forward that, on balance and all things taken into consideration, Zebraspider was actually doing good work for he most part. Not perfect, not as good as Superman Or Flash Or Captian Marvel, but good. That she still intended to be hard on him going forward, but that it wasn’t about tearing him down or taking revenge anymore. It was just about reminding him that for all his power, he was not god and would have to answer too someone. Which, Zebraspiders ok with. He also went over some things with her for when we get the Cult of Kekui dealt with and move to try and deal with Ra’s Al Ghouls various infiltrators. Set up work that will pay off later.

Anyway, a week goes buy. During that time, Dr. Entropy spent most of it hanging around his Sanctum and “mourning”, Nanosecond spent it just focusing down time and effort on his business, Inquiry split it with Dr. Sorrow, and Buccaneer. The later stopping Zombies from running drugs from Jamaca to Miami, Miami Vice Style.

This resulted in Buccaneer giving Inquiry another vision. This one of Buccaneer in a room with most of the figures cast in shadow by the lights, as Batman makes his pitch too them to install Miguel, Buccaneer’s real name, in the Justice League Out Reach Program’s Miami division as a test of his idea ot use it to try to reform the less severe supervillians. We Found out the way Batman got on his trail was that Aquaman found out about Buccaneer dealing with Merlin when Buccaneer helped Aquaman stop OceanMaster one time, and put Batman on that trail, as unbeknownst to Buccaneer, all of this was an elaborate plot orchestrated by Count Vertigo to assassinate his niece and take the throne of his ancestral nation in the Balkens. I say Unbeknownst because Buccaneer even at his worst doesn’t do child murder and that point did get raised.

There is a considerable amount of debating, Batman, Wonder Woman John Stuarts Green Lantern and Aquaman come down in favor. Hawkgirl, Green Arrow, Black Canary and Martian Manhunter come down against. Superman got the tie breaker vote, and opts to vote in favor of giving him a chance to make good. All of this is done from Buccaneers POV, so, he’s thoroughly intimidated the entire time. Afterwords the hero’s that voted in favor, shake hands and do some introductions, along with a couple of other hero’s, most Notable Captain Marvel, who takes the time to give Buccaneer the tour afterwords. Including the Mess Hall, which as New Genesis Tech that basically works like Star Trek Replicators, that Batman got as a bonus while doing an op to trick Kalabak into letting him get spy equipment on Apocalypse to monitor for Darkseid making major pushes for earth or New Genesis or other allied planets, in a sort of “early warning.” system.

John Stuart also explains that Hal Jordan was the Green Lantern before him. This is humorous as Hal Jordan was Buccaneers next door neighbor and he never caught on that Hal Jordan was Green Lantern.

This also means Inquiry now knows as well. And that Buccaneer and Zebraspider have something in common now.

In that they’ve both had an episode of “What, who?” related too that super hero’s civilian identity.

It should be noted that it turns out in this Continuity, Zatara the Magician, a character that debuted in Action Comics alongside Superman back in the golden age, and the father of the more popularly know character these days, Zatana, He’s in his 80’s, but he’s still around. Justice League Dark have assigned members to Bogart all of Coshka’s family members that would make suitable sacrifices for the cult of Kekui’s ritual. Or at least they think they have.

And Yev has taken to carrying the family heirloom, the one that’s a chaos artifact, around and loaded in a holster while trying to lock down what Metahuman ability’s the cultists might have as we know they have some but we don’t know what. He was largely unsuccessful here.

Zebraspider, his errand at the start of the week aside, has been burning the candle at both ends. He can get by with no or almost no sleep, and he’s been pushing it via that method. One of those “this isn’t good long term but short term it’ll help.” sort of things. He’s logged a bit of time at his day job, keeping up appearances and getting a project torn through well under the time estimate. Thought the entire time one of his coworkers was talking about how the government are going to use Nazi Robots from all these Justice League Regional teams to assassinate, replace and take control of all the super hero’s, and that Zebraspider was gonna be used for this purpose to take out Superman.

Zebraspider in civilian ID could not help but be a bit, dismissive, of this. Thought he did grant him that there’s a far better than there should be chance of Lex Luthors involvement in the plan. He was however not sold that Louisiana in a base shaped vaguely like a skull is were Luthor would hole up for such a scheme.

The Humor of that aside, he’s also been spending a lot of time in a sort of encrypted computer chat as Mr. S, talking too a Ms. O, planning, something vague. In the Business, we call this Foreshadowing, and it will come to pay off later.

IT’s worth noting Yev has helped some with the computer stuff.

He’s also been doing some randomized patrols to keep the street crime in Miami from getting the idea that we are letting up on them. Stop a mugging here, stop a convince store robbery there, that kinda thing.

Lastly, and most importantly short term, he has, with Zatara’s help, been running a training program really, really hard. One specifically designed to mimick the sorts of effects the Cult of Kekui are able to throw at us and to practice dealing with them, as well as practice spotting and disarming artifacts there using, and either different mystic or martial tactics or techniques needed to counteract them. Zatara did caution him about burning at both ends and the need to actually be up for the job when the cult do start raising hell. Which, ended up leading into like a 15 minute aside about Superhero’s and them taking time off, and who does and who doesn’t and why and how that was very amusing.

Anyway, we get called to the briefing room on base by Zatara, and we start mulling over how the Cult operate. During which, while justice league dark are skilled and experienced one and all, there also exhausted as the cult has been making it a point to run them all ragged for months. And in that exhaustion, Dr. Entropy and Inquiry realize they’ve made a fatal mistake. They’ve overlooked not just the blood closeness requirement, but that it has personality and personal history requirements that most of the family members there shadowing don’t meet. And that Yev may actually be the best mark for them.

We also establish that there mid to long range teleport’s are connected via water ways, which is part of what makes them so hard to pin down and deal with. This is due to Egyptian magic being heavily tied in with the Nile river.

It’s worth noting, we know there starting to move as it starts raining frogs outside. Were getting out own 10 plagues light in Miami.

We start discussing were the most secure place we can move Yev too is, Atlantis, Fortress of Solitude Vault or Dr. Entropy’s Sanctum, due to the water trick, we work out it’s Dr Entropy’s Sanctum, but get attacked before we can do anything to act on that information.

The cult opens up with one of there sorceresses overclocking the Metahuman ability’s of another to screw with how everyone interacts with The Speed Force. This results in turning all the none speedster magic users into speedsters temporarily, but because were all speedsters it evens out. Does at first keep Inquiry and Buccaneer out of the fight.

The cult also throws a dagger at Zatara and Makes a sort of mystically telekinetic grab for Yev. Nanosecond, being a speedster himself, barely manages to keep Zatara from getting killed by this and makes the dagger miss. Zebraspider, being able to do some magic of his own and having a danger sense in a split second decision, grabs Yev. I will note he could of tried to grab the cultist, and that might of saved the cultists life, as the overclocking of there metahuman ability would kill them by the end of this fight, but he decided he couldn’t risk it as even if he broke the sorceress/male cultist connection, he knew that the guy would likely keep coming and may well get to Yev anyway, so instead he grabbed Yev and jumped clear.

Dr. Entropy manages to lock one of the Cultists down form probability manipulating early on, and get’s Inquiry into the fight. Zebraspider get’s buccaneer into the fight and plays keep away with the sorceress, stopping her from getting ahold of Yev and hauling off to preform ritual human sacrifice with him as the sacrifice.

Inquiry in a flash of brilliance, since were doing speedster logic, moves the thrown artifact dagger so that when the sorceress comes chasing Zebraspider she’ll impale herself on it, which she does for a red hit.

Buccaneer does a good chunk of heavy lifting dealing with the 2 male cultists, and Nanosecond finishes one in full Juan Claude Van Damn Splits and not shots style.

Aside form that, Inquiry does in the fighting take a nasty hit as one of them tackles her. Not fatal but she’s feeling that one.

And Zebraspider took several hits like that keeping Yev from the sorceress. Once she landed and failed like, her 3rd or 4th attempt to grab Yev Zebraspider quips at her that she might want to take a BJJ class cause she sucks at Grappling. She responded in that nasily high pitched mock voice repeating it back to him, so, he just punched her out and webbed her up.

Which, Inquiry went for the finisher. It ended up juuuuuuuuuuust so happening that while normally this would of immobilized her safely so she didn’t fall, because of the speed effects keeping the adhesive from grabbing on fast enough, it didn’t, so she took a big fall, through a heavy wood table, that then flipped and landed on her head for good measure, knocking her out. At which point Zebraspider looked at her and asked what her favorite loony toon was because he’s convinced now she’s just pulling shit from that. Not that he doesn’t approve you understand.

That wrapped up the fight and that’s about were we ended the actual session, Yev alive but not feeling great and Zatara feeling like he pulled a muscle but also alive, and hey, that’s more than the GM expected, so, that actually get’s us some brownie points that Zatana’s dad didn’t die on our watch.

I almost forgot, we had 2 other Inquiry visions during the session.

Both with Dr. Sorrow.

One was of Magpie with Snakey Doyle and his crew, using her to identify an Artifact for the cult as legitimate. During this she swiped the coin off of them that would later come up in the Morgana La Fey Camelot plot-line from earlier in the game. And she did rough them up a good bit, but she got beat down and talked about like a piece of meat a fair bit in the process.

It’s a good thing that group are already dealt with because Inquiry might just of killed the lot of them if we’d faced them after she saw that.

The other was an episode at Arkham were she almost broke out, got as far as getting her stuff form the lockers, but then Batman who was up there to lock someone else up came and and subdued her. This is of note because she would of gotten away, but she stopped to take the bullets out of the guards guns because they were shiny. They didn’t retrieve all the bullets once they were subdued. Also of note was that it as a Dr. Harleen Quenzell who got her keys swiped allowing this to happen.

One has to wonder how they let her get promoted to working with The Joker after this.

Oh, and Magpie was cell mates at one point with Poison Ivy.

Other visions were had with these two but there incredibly mundane. Making breakfast, things like that.

There was some bits of banter that was cut for sake of sanity, and some irrelevant asides like discussing glasses prescriptions vs contact lenses of all things. Due to how much sorting I’m doing there, if I missed anything, I apologize.

Well, that’s all for this session. Have a good day, and will be back, next time, hopefully in 2 weeks!

Archon Notes that he once again, quite enjoyed the update for this session. :slight_smile:

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are back. More or less.

So, right off the bat, we got a late start due to one of our players coming back into town from an out of town work trip, and the rest of us opting to wait for him. We also had a few people, including the GM and I mention that only because he’ll probably mention that If I don’t, who needed to be up early the following morning to attend to various IRL obligations. Due to this it was a short session by our standards, mostly comprising a Flash Back and a fight. There was a bit of shooting the breeze about 80’s and 90’s and early 00’s cartoons and a few other little off topic asides I will not go into.

Anyway, so we pick up having worked out which Skyscraper The Cult Of Kekui are in to try and run there ritual, and having secured Yev and Zatara in Dr. Entropy’s Sanctum Sanctorum in order to keep them from managing to kidnap Yev before we can go there, shut them down, and come back. It’s noted as the only highrise building that’s that tall, with Art Decko Archatecture and Gargoyals, in Miami. A place were during solo days Zebraspider would periodically go to Brood, and that Zebraspider named one of the Gargoyals Bob back in the day. Because you know, sometimes he’d be working through a problem, need to hear it out-loud, but had no one he could talk too cause, solo hero with secret identity. Also had a gag referance too another game when Dr. Entropy commented about Zebraspider being Jewish, in which Dr. Entropy was corrected that Zebraspider was Lutheran, but his CPA that he has for the company he’s trying to get running, Abner Dan Goldstein, is in fact Jewish, and Dr. Entropy may of gotten them confused. (This is a reference to a separate game using the old West End Games Ghost Busters system the party also runs now and then, were Abner is my character, and is a Jewish Accountant. Yes the game is played as one big joke.).

Were walking were walking…

Entropy teleports us as close as he can too the building, which is not as close as he wanted since there trying to push back against that. As we go to close in on the building a Rocket get’s fired at us, Zebraspdier throws out four web-lines to grab everyone and jumps clear, bringing them with him. This causes Inquiry and Buccaneer to make physical contact in the action. Que Flashback Vision.

We get treated to a lengthy segment of a Robbery at Fort Knox and Buccaneer Driving the get away truck, trying to get to an extraction point were Blockbuster can have them teleported out. He’s got Cicada and Volcana with him along with a literal ton of gold. And juuuuuuuuuust before they get too the extraction point, as they round the last corner, there’s a wall of tanks, men with guns, anti tank rifles, .50 turret emplacements, and floating above it with a Megaphone is Major Force. Turns out the whole thing was something The Government engineered and spoon fed to Blockbuster and the rest, to get Volcana in a specific position, so they could take her into custody and subject her to various processes with telepaths and other super science to turn her into a mindless killing machine that will slaughter anyone the US government says on demand with out pity or hesitation of any pesky free will or moral qualms about acts of genocide getting in the way. Buccaneer sees how bad this is and makes a sacrifice play, standing and fighting as a distraction to allow Cicada to fly out and Volcana to burn a tunnel into another part of the city were she can disappear into the crowd and then go to ground somewhere. He does his best but this was before he had a magic sword and he’s just a human going up against a guy that while he can’t beat Superman, can trade punches with Superman for awhile at least. He trades some insults with him and generally refuses to give the others up, for which Major Force, being a sadist,

Breaks basically every bone in Buccaneers body that he doesn’t absolutely need to live into powder and tells him that whenever they do eventually get that woman back to being government property, were she belongs in his assessment, he’s going to make it a point to make sure that the very first orders she get’s are to find and kill Buccaneer, slowly. They are to his irritation however forced to call the Sting Operation a bust, put the gold back and pack it up.

Buccaneer get’s taken in by a couple of Paramedics and an FBI Agent, that turns out to be Tarantula in disguise, and she tells him not to worry, that Blockbuster looks out for his own, indicating he had her and the paramedics here as a fail safe and he’s gonna get medical treatment somewhere, but not get arrested.

Anyway, Flashback ends, and we have 10 of the male cult of Kekui Members hanging out as the welcoming committee. One has a semi-modern RPG Launcher.

2 have Chain Guns like you’d see in an 80’s or early 90’s action movie, or mounted to a vehicle, and no where else because there stupidly impractical anywhere else.

2 have .50 Rifles.

2 have Chain Whip Swords (I’m not kidding.).

1 has a Panzer Shrek Bazooka from WW2, and he’s painted a bunch of stuff form the Dream Works Shrek movie on it because these are the worst sort of 4channers so of course he did.

1’s got an AK, 1’s got an AR. AK guy has a Soviet Union Tatto on one pipe cleaner arm, and a Tsarist Emblem on the other, is Mexican, but insists he’s Caucasian and Slavic and a Russian supremacist. Yes he’s wearing a Sombrero and breaks into small bits of Spanish at times. The AR guy has every Tactiicool Attachment on his AR, including multiple different optics to help him aim, and a Bud K Katana on each hip, while wearing an Asuka form Neon Genesis Evangalion Tshirt. He’s a black dude who claims he’s got the power of Anime and The Third Riech on his side. I am somewhat censoring these too to keep form inadvertently getting Archon’s Server in trouble. There evil 4channers, they were never going to be politically correct.

We fight, fair bit of banter is had, Zebraspider keeps calling one of the chain whip dudes Chuckles and we have to burn a bunch of hero a luck points to keep them from screwing us on rerolls. Buccaneer eventually decides to not claim the AK guy, and Zebraspider feels insulted on Coshka’s behalf for him existing and she’s not even here. And the AR guy just makes his working class background cringe out of it’s skin. We beat them all down pretty good, Nanosecond get’s the finisher on AK guy, Buccaneer takes out AR guy by cutting his gun and swords into little pieces and then headbutting him with his helmet on.

It’s, probably sufficient to just say most of them got mopped.

But then as we close out the session, the GM reveals “Oh, yeah, sure, Dr. Entropy can take a second to do healing to repair HP loss and Armor loss, but you guys aren’t getting those Hero Points or Luck Points you spent negating there ability to force rerolls back next session on grounds that you didn’t take any down time. Also I want you to have to work at it against the massive boss fight I’ve been bigging up all campaign so part of that is making you burn up resources first.”.

I am on record as being somewhat annoyed by this as it was somewhat Tedious back when we did the Prison Break to do that, and doing it again is really pushing it. I might of been less so if the GM had stated at the very start of the session that we’d not be getting those resources back, but he didn’t. And there’s also the matter that the GM told us before this that there should be no more than a dozen or so cultists left in total, and between last session and this session we’ve fought about 15 of them and there are still more to come next session.

But annoyed or not it’s what were doing so were going with it.

Anyway, that’s the update, so tune in next session as we, hopefully, finally, put to rest the threat of the Cult of Kekui and get to tie off loose ends before the end game starts!

GM Addendum: “It was raining heavily and it was also raining frogs. Magic frogs but frogs none the less.”

There was also a brief chat with Archon about the fact that the game is getting too it’s endgame point. That the number of enemy’s to defeat and objectives to clear for this campaign is rapidly approaching 0 as we accomplish more things. So, it won’t be, too too many more posts from here.

Ladies and gentlemen, we return!

Alright, so, shorter session again, we didn’t get started playing till like around 10PM.

Some time was spent generally screwing around, and once again, a fair bit of banter and one liners I’m not really gonna be able to keep straight in all likely hood so I’m not going to sink much effort into that.

That said, we open on going into the lobby of the building, out from the rain with frogs, It’s got a combo art decko and Hollywood ancient egypt thing going. Buccaneer goes to do his hotline Miami animal mask thing, and Dr. Entropy decides to conjure a pirate hat with Buccaneers skull and crossbones on Zebraspider, and a spirit-halloween-version-Zebraspider Mask from the Hotline Miami Mask Buccaneer has, so that now it would look too these meme addled 4Channers that Zebraspider was buccaneer and vice versa. He then does similar with Nanosecond and Inquiry, giving Nanosecond a trench coat, red wig and domino mask, while changing inquiry’s pants to have cybernetic patterns too them, and gives himself fake bunny ears and a top-hat, referencing W.R. Abbot, current NPC and former PC in the prior game.

After some discussion with the GM, Zebraspider waits till we get too the first encounter to pop off one of his contingency’s. Which happens soon after he and Buccaneer kick down the doors between the group and the next group of Cultists. Buccanner actually ends up incapacitating a male cultist in the process by the door dropping on him. At which point he does the Japanese Spiderman Toksatsu Series intro for Zebraspider, and not to be out door, Zebraspider looks over the group and gives them the “I’m Captain Jack Sparrow Mate, Savvy?” Routine from Pirates Of The Caribbean as Buccaneer to retain even footing. The rest decide now’s a good time to do a Jojo’s reference with there poses.

Part of this was filling time while the GM worked out initiative order from the rolls, and part of this was messing with there heads to try and rattle them a bit before combat starts. Though given that the door Zebraspider kicked off it’s hinges buried itself into the wall next to one of the enemy’s heads and she didn’t flinch, it’s questionable how effective this was.

On the GM’s advise right before combat I popped one of Zebraspiders contingency’s. A quick com message to Oracle, and now, for the next little bit, as far as anyone can tell, and as far as anyone’s running with the story, 4Chan got the “The Silk Road” treatment by the powers that be. They finally got it. It’s temporary, it’ll comeback later, buuuuuuut, for the next few battles, it’ll disrupt the Cultist Sorceress’s ability to cast spells, as they are psychologically massively overdependent on meme’s to function mentally, or do what passes for functioning anyway, and there whole thing has a bit of a memetic quality too it in how there magic works so if there source of meme’s is cut into, that’ll adversely affect them at least short term.

All that said, I sure didn’t notice it working in this next fight. Apart form annoying Dr. Entropy and Inquiry making it a point to point out that she didn’t care enough to realize or figure out that Zebraspider had bothered to both do the research and the stragizing and then put the leg work into capitalize on it. Though Inquiry’s player did forget about expressing frustration at Zebraspider’s propensity to go first or second at an earlier point in the campaign until I did a bit of a rework to lower Zebraspiders Initiative, and had to be reminded of this.

Anyway, we’ve got 3 sorceresses, and 5 remaining male cultists. All 5 male cultists have .50 weapons. Most of which are meme able.

We had a dude duel wielding .50 Desert Eagles, a Dude with a .50 BMG, a dude with an AK-50 because evidently in this universe Brandon Herrera got that project finished several years early, a dude with a massively over-sized double barrel shotgun loaded with .50 Buckshot, and a dude with a flare gun he’s sticking .50 BMG rounds into and firing even though they stick out past the end of the barrel when he does.

As for the sorceresses, one of them is a gun magic theme, one of them is has a theme I forget but she’s trying to shroud things when she does stuff and is described as a femcel, who’s all of 5ft tall and annoyed that she can’t be the dominant amazon too some femboy, and one of them’s all about the 4Chan Pol Board who considers being libertarian and small government/individual action minded to be a fringe niche Ideology. Too the point of attacking us by summoning a giant Don’t Tread On Me Snake named Gadsden. Also of note when it’s not there turn all 3 female cultists move up and down like there characters in a JRPG video game. Yes we expressed frustration with the stupidity of this as one of them could just turn herself into what she wants to be, and the other, the other was a walking contradiction.

Anyway, we fight. Were able to mop them up with out taking much damage or having to burn too too many hero points or other resources that are finite. Were largely mocking them the entire time as the GM has by now made clear that it doesn’t matter how reality bendingly super-humanly persuasive we are, they will ignore it. Sort of like how Buccaneer was rolling Smack Talk and had to be reminded the GM had ruled that Smack Talk doesn’t really demoralize enemy’s in a meaningful way and doesn’t actually have a chance to make them give up or have an existential crisis or anything useful like that.

And yes the observation was made that the enemy’s are once again so tanky it almost feels like there’s no point in us being super hero’s and that it feels out of place.

We do finally get them down, and I suppose if I don’t note Dr. Entropy doing a spell to mind break 2 of the sorceresses after Zebraspider and Nanosecond managed to beat one down, by making himself effectively a Jojo character in, questionable, attire, as far as they could see, then the GM would correct that, so there we go, it’s been mentioned. Oh, and yes, Buccaneer got multiple take down shots, including a steel toed boot too the balls, and multiple oneliners. Inquiry dropped a statue ona sorceress and she kicked out, and blue up one of the .50 groups guns in his hand to finish him. And at one point Nanosecong got to use the dubs rule to turn a miss into a red hit that wound up helping curb there numbers no small amount. Oh, and one of the sorceresses got Buccaneers sword lighting to do a flash animation effect instead of actually hitting. So, there, got that all mentioned.

Anyway, because this whole thing runs on 4channer logic, a character that looks suspiciously like Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks was there to operate the elevator to get us to floor 5, even though the ritual was on floor 7. Then we are met by a chick that was wearing a fake beard and a bald cap, doing a walking Legend Of Zelda reference as the “It’s Dangerous To Go Alone, Take This.” person. Though, it’s also worth noting, all she did was give as a Key we’d need on the grounds this was all some test. Again, she’s basically just doing video game meme’s and that the characters failed to get on grounds the GM made us roll for that and none of us were specialized in video game trivia.

And of course she was being bothered by the temporary outage at 4chan.

Anyway, we ended up breaking off there. Previously, going into this arc, the GM had sworn up down and sideways multiple times that there was fewer than 10 cultists left and by the current count, we’ve already fought close to 30 and will be over 30 if his claims of there only being 5 more left are 100% accurate and they don’t have any more additional cultists to bolster there numbers.

So will see.

Well, we will see you next time when we hopefully, finally, put an end too the Cult Of Kekui, and leave just Ra’s Al Ghoul and his minions all over the city/government/various institutions to handle.

Until then, take care!

GM Addendum:

"The Female Cultists were /k/ultist, /b/ultist, and the /pol/tist.
The /k/ultist was a gun nut who could summon guns from the folds of her robes and could draw anything from the tiny civil war pistol to a Fallout Mini-Nuke, She pulled a Lever action Cowboy rifle.
The /b/ultist was a full meme magicer. She was the femcel who was tiny and wanted to be the big spoon to a soft and breedable man. She was taken out by the phychic attack from desire.
The /pol/tist could summon manifestations of Ideologies and was able to summon giant Gadsden Snake, had she rolled worse the less effective the monster she would have summoned something else. She was taken out due to her not being into dudes.

The Male Cultist were all using .50 Cals, and a Twelve Gage cam fit the .50 cal and so can some Flare Guns hence their inclusions."

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are back.

So, session ended up getting off to a later start and then earlier conclusion then planned due to a couple of things not going quite as desired. End result is we didn’t actually finish the Cult off this session as intended. Were still gonna have 1 more fight with them next session. And I suspect that’s gonna mess with our ability to have any down time in between beating the cult and needing to start working on Ra’s Al Ghouls people inside Miami’s government and the infiltrator robots inside the Justice League.

Anyway, we opened on going in toward the next door, and heard a electronic music remake of The Pillarmen Theme from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure as we headed in.

It opened up to reveal the cultist for the My Little Pony, or MLP, board. Whom Buccaneer decided to get to talking with and talk out of fighting all together. He spent basically the whole fight doing this, and was successful, much too the GM’s annoyance as the GM doesn’t like it when we talk them into not fighting given how he’s not permitted Zebraspider to do things that would bypass a fist fight too the point that I’ve stopped bothering. GM says her thing was she would use her Chaos Magic to summon random Pony’s from the show that have random ability’s they can use in turn and if she was left alone we’d have eventually gotten swamped in numbers.

The other opponent decided to do a mock up of the Pillarmen intro form Jojo’s Bizarre adventure. Just to save time, as a result, we ended up with several Jojo’s referances through out the fight. She’s an 8ft tall muscle bound amazon representing the Fit board form 4chan, and is all about making sure everyone can have, quote, “these gains.” These gains meaning the kind of power a Kryptonian has. I must note that the debuff I set up for the Cultists did reduce how much raw power she could call up from that, down too more like a higher level Atlantian.

Anyway, we spent a good bit of time fighting her as she had a regen mechanic that would randomly reset her strength stat and most of her hit points. Zebraspider expressed some annoyance at her at being living proof that the cultist down stairs that just wanted to be the top in a relationship for a change could of been helped by this chick with out the world needing to end. Fair bit of 4chan banter ensued which I’m skipping over to keep discord mods from having anything to get mad about.

And all this while Buccaneer is having Donuts with MLP cultist and dragging another super villainess into a phone call about MLP to keep her fixated on that and not on actually helping to end the world.

So, were fighting, Zebraspiders burning hero points power stunting his webs into a Paralasys effect so he can set other party members up to get free red hits. At one point she nearly crushes Dr. Entropy and had he not rolled it down too a green would of one shotted him, and she nearly destroy’s Nanosecond and would have with out a bit of help from Zebraspider softening his landing after Dr. Entropy left him to die.

We eventually batter down her hit points between the set ups and the hits, with Dr. Entropy claiming his attacks are meme’s. And with Inquiry doing an actually fun Rube Gold Burg Riccot shot attack as well as shoving a doughnut into her mouth to cuase her to have an absolute melt down and loose track of focus to channel her magic for a bit, which shorted it out partially. I considered doing something that would of finsihed her from the sound of it had it worked, goading her to take a go at me so I could leave her hanging barely held between two buildings with a fall that would finish her off to contend with. But was talked into instead letting everyone else keep hammering on her. Dr. Entropy rewarded this by trying to go for an instakill and teleporting her into space.

t’s worth noting that this sort of thing is WHY I fucking tried to have Zebraspider be properly magic immune and spent the points for it. As as long as there are Wizards around this is to be an expected tactic and this does absolutely nothing to dissuade me of the need to have spellcaster counter measures aplenty if spellcasters are in play.

It’s also worth noticing that a Jojo reference to the end of Jojo’s Part 2 was all that stopped this from being actually lethal, and as it is will still need to let the Watch Tower collect her and send her to another spell caster to turn her into not a statue as soon as we get the cult finished up, since if we don’t she’ll be subjected to a fate worse than death.

Anyway, Got that beaten, headed to another room and found the video game cultist again, this time dressed as a merchant from Resident Evil. Selling health and Mana Potions which allowed everyone to recover all there expendable resources, and which the party not only used to get up to fulls strenght again, but to have extras for just in case. With Zebraspider stocking up on like 99 of both types for like $400 US. The whole segment made the environment more video game like, Complete with menu’s to do a save game and veiw achivements. We had a number for things like Inquiry’s Romance with Dr. Sorrow, Turning 5 super villains onto the path of reform successfully, not letting the city get nuked, or Zebraspider talking too his family and letting them know he’s doing the super hero thing. (Also suggested that he’d gotten achievements for saving members of Cat Grants staff, which, he’s convinced is a glitch cause he doesn’t even know he’s saved them before.). Dr. Entropy was considered a DLC character in this menu. Coshka and Wraith were just greyed as if they were recruited but not in the current party in an RPG.

Also of note is that there were greyed out ones for things like actually defeating the cult, for defeating Ra’s Al Ghouls top person in Miami, so on. And all of these had funny names that the GM came up with on the spot and I cannot remember now.

Last note here is when Inquiry handled the potion bottles, the potions being magically infused so you didn’t need to drink them, the magic flowed in form opening the bottle, they hung out in the hammer space of “Your Inventory.” and also that they were just those health potion mana potion energy drink gimmick things form the 00’s, but her Psycomotry didn’t ping off of them. She got to have a moment of touching something and being normal again, which caused a tear to go down her cheek. Zebraspider talked to her and floated the idea too her that if she wanted, they could get a bracelet or similar made up for her that turned her powers on and off at will, similar to what they did for his sister’s fiance. Which she said she’d think on. As she liked having it always on sometimes. She’s thinking of the shared dreams with Dr. Sorrow, were as Zebraspider thinks it’s similar to his danger sense and she likes having an early warning to not take certain hits.

Oh, almost forgot, Zebraspider gave some contact information too the MLP Cultist, He’s gonna be looking to use her in a last ditch effort to pull some of the reform-able members that wanted something not actually altogether unreasonable out of there funk and onto a worthwhile life path again.

Anyway, we wrapped up there ready to go after the final 2 Cultists. The X board Cultist, and Charlotte Tender and her array of Ancient Egyptian Chaos Artifacts. Till next time, see you then!


So the GM had by now admitted to massively bloating Health Points on enemy’s to reduce the risk of one shotting them. This has interacted very badly with Ascendants Mechanics, making the super hero’s who can do things like dead lift a building for a minute or so feel no stronger than any random dude on the street, and served to make the more moral characters monstrously less effective while giving the utterly Amoral Edgelord Characters like Dr. Entropy enormous amounts to room to just be monsters and force the party to live with standing around thumbs up there asses letting them be monsters. I strongly recommend GM’s Reading this? Do not do this. Do not over inflate health pools of what are effectively nameless faceless Hench men or mini bosses just to stop the party from feeling like they got them in one hit there for it was too easy. Your not making it feel less easy. Your making your players feel like there crap at there jobs and making it that much harder to deal with any bad actors you end up with at your table.

Will get too the other rules stuff once the log is completed, and I’ll have things to say then, but this is a thing I can comment on at this stage.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are back!

So we left off outside of a door with the Videogame board Cultist standing there. We start talking tactics, going over the fact that the lead cultist has 3 Artifacts that are going ot give us trouble. A staff that lets her see the future, a Kopish that let’s her put forward attacks that have a realistic chance of killing a kryptonian, and a headdress that makes her completely invulnerable in the classical sense, were nothing actually hurts her and she’s just immune to all damage while wearing it. And that we need to get these off of her/away from her grasp if were going to effectively deal with her. We also observe an upside down Omega symbol all over the door woven in with all the Egyptian imagery. Zebraspider and Dr. Entropy recognize it as Darksieds symbol, and Zebraspide being half annoyed half concerned at the sheer amount of stuff that links back to him or at least too his planet that’s been cropping up in Zebraspiders home town the last 3 to 4 mounths.

Video game cultist chimes in about it, and starts looking at cards, and comments that “Inquiry has the best commander ability.” Which, promps spider to look.

She’s got Magic The Gathering Cards, of each member of the party as it turns out. Much to Zebraspiders shock and annoyance that WOTC evidently decided to use our images with out permission. To Which Videogame Cultist comments that she turned the internal clock forward 2 years to get these, and then that she was gonna go to her Magic Tournament, and either we’d win and she’d win her tournament and get to keep playing games, or we’d loose and she’d get to remake the universe in the image of her and her best friends, so, either way, she wins.

I should mention before I forget it, that the Video Game Cultist gave us a cryptic “Oh, she’ll be back, don’t worry about it.” directed at Zebraspider. No we still don’t know what she meant by that. Anyway.

In case anyone’s wondering, Inquiry’s card let’s her once per turn look at the top card of her opponents deck, and then choose to put it back on top, or put it at the bottom of the deck. Zebraspider could pick a card to neutralize it’s ability once per turn. Dr. Entropy could sacrifice players to deal direct life point damage, and I’m gonna be honest I forget what Buccaneer and Nanosecond did I want to say it related to tokens though.

Anyway, we got too the door, and after a bit of back and forth we have Zebraspider open it since Zebraspider has a Danger Sense to warn him somethings about to harm him and thus the best chance to jump clear of it if it does. Though Dr. Entropy snidely insists that it’s just because Zebraspider is the most disposable person in the group.

The room is in full ancient Egypt decor, and it’s covered in mist coming out of a cauldron. Being Stirred by a woman who’s the cultist for X board. I will note now, she’s in full Emperor Palpatine Mode, as Charlott Tender, the other remaining cultist, the one that has the artifacts, is in mid Ritual, and has grown significantly, now standing north of 8ft tall and built like a brick shit hout of muscle and boob. Which makes 2 of these cultists that were able to get really big and buff and busty that wanted to do so, but for some reason none of them thought to teach the meme cultist how despite Snu Snu being a literal meme. Anyway.

The X cultist herself, looks like what might happen if HR Gieger, Clive Barker and Cronenburg all managed to have a group nightmare lovechild. I will just note that she later summons doppelgangers when the fight starts, and they look similar in style but different in the details which makes it worse. Anyway.

The Mist gives Inquiry a Psychometric vision. Of this person, over a year ago, looking normal but living a full on Neet Lifestyle. Eating terrible junk food pretty much exclusively and getting by on a good metabolisum to keep form getting fat for the moment, hair so greesy you could start a fire with it, hasn’t showered in days. You have all met the type of geek once before at least I’m sure. She’s browsing X-board in the vision, and inquiry sees her find something and declare her pleasure that the “Stupid Jannies” hadn’t gotten rid of it yet.

That something, was a piece of the Antilife Equation.

Which from the outside, Inquiry could see was being used to remove her free will, and warm her mind, and give her information. Information Inquiry then watched her mass collect and then spread via the internet in a very movie hacker style but with her eyes zoned out, and her only verbal que being “I understand.” as though accepting orders from a superior. And then listened to her get ona discord call with the rest of the main cult members, and sell them on the fact she’d found a way all of them could get what they wanted, in so doing spreading some of that Anti-life equation influence out to some of them.

Meaning this entire time the Cult of Kekui have been under outside influence that reduces and subverts, if not outright removes, there free will. The only question left is if it was Darksied himself that did it, Darksied ordered one of his underlings to do it at his behest in part of one of his plans, or if Darksied just had one of his underlings, Granny Goodness, Desaad, Verman Vonderba, Kalaback, Maelstrom, or one of the others, have one of there days were they were feeling spunky and like they had there own initiative to do things, and decide to just go and do this on there own accord. They get those form time to time. Ironically.

We get in, we start bantering, Buccaneer wants to know if we can start fighting and Zebrapisder just says “Good idea.” and goes for a sucker punch, using a web line to yank X Cultist in and clobber her. Or. Tries too.

He’s made to roll for both things, succeeds, buuuuuuuut, the punch goes right through her chest like she was made of paper and not the expected flesh, to Zebraspiders horror and her evident delight as she’s floating there, minus one lung, with Zebraspiders arm through her chest, just saying “Goood, Goood!” in full Emperor style.

Initiative is rolled, Charlotte Tender wins but spends her first turn working on the ritual. X Cultist brings 2 friends too summoned clones too the party, and Buccaneer promptly takes both out. Cuts one in half at the waist, but, the legs part, just keeps standing there the whole rest of the fight. Seeming to stair at him. Depsite lack of eyes. The other one he impails, and it keeps coming for a second until he twists the sword and yanks it back out making a good sized hole, and then it falls but it never breaks eye contact with him. No falling bodies make any noise, they just, vanish into the Mist and the mist get’s darker.

Dr. Entropy tries teleporting the staff out of Charlott Tenders hands to try to keep her form knowing what were gonna do ahead of time, only for her to give him the magic equivalent of Judo/Akido and make Dr. Entropy Teleport himself into Nanoseconds arms bridal style.

Annoyed, He uses Magic to throw Nanosecond at her like he’s ammo for a human shaped rail gun that runs on magic. A Certain Magic Rail-gun, fi you will. Rimshot.

Nanosecond being smart makes this a team attack effort and while it’s unsuccessful at disarming her, it does make it easier for the next person to make a go at it before her turn.

Zebraspider get’s up to bat and Disengages from X cultist, who turns her head like an owl to track him. He goes for tender, bouncing around like he’s just had his body-weight in caffeine and processed sugar and gone to a trampoline convention, constantly changing directions, switching up what he’s about to do. All of this while using his magic to effectively overclock his spidersense, so that he can sense what she knows is about to happen and change it, and exploit the instant it takes her to process the new what’s about to happen and physically move to accommodate that.

End result, the staff ends up utterly unhelpful too her, and with the wreaked grip, Zebraspiders able to yank it away form her, circle around, and have two things happen. First. Zebraspider get’s a Psychometric vision! It’s the future though, him in a different costume with a lot more blue on it and several people he doens’t recognize standing beside him. In front of him is a hugh, heavily muscled man with 3 scars on his face. Vandal Savage.

Who’s Monologging and offering us one last chance to join him, even as he tells us we can’t understand and we need to let him use these artifacts to ascend to godhood, and destroy that alien god of Tyranny, so that a true, pro human path can be opened in the universe, with him as humanity’s rightful ruler to guide them through it. Which leaves Zebraspider thinking that at some point Coshka must of gotten a bug to redesign his outfit for some reason, but musing that he looked good in blue. But also wondering why the small child and small breed dog were there. (This is all foreshadowing for game 3 and for a part of game 3 that will be centered on game 4 set up.)

The other good thing is Spider, having high movement and the perks required and more than one attack action per turn, was able to come around with the staff and in a fairly stylish fashion, take a go at X Cultist. The staffs magic actually augmenting his attacks, showing him more clearly where and how to apply the pressure to get what he wanted, when to switch up the attack angle to get an opening.

Which he did, complete with a one liner"Say Goodngiht Bitch." to the X Cultist as he knocked her into a marble pillar and she dropped silently into the mist. Zebraspider knows this thing will stop working after this fight in this fashion, and that if Coshka ever got the artifact it would massively increase the risk of Kekui being able to override and take over Coshka anyway. But he does somewhat lament this as if not for that, it might of really helped her. And also that he could really, really get use to it working that way for him. Even as he chucks one of those mana potions he bought from the Video Game Cultist to restore the hero points he burned on all of that.

Not to be out done, Inquiry fires a shot off from her gun and stars running for, the bullet ricocheting around until it his some kind of gas line or something in the floor and causes an explosion, that throws inquiry forward as she jumps, and let’s her get the air she needs to grab the head dress of Charlotte Tender, revealing her 8+ ft of hair going completely straight up like she’s a DBZ character. Even as Inquiry hits a wall with what should of been enough force to break her nose and knock her out, only to be utterly unharmed cause she’s got the headdress, She laughs, and get another vision.

This one is of an Ancestor of Aquaman, with the Cutlass Buccaneer named Brynemorne, along with Vandal Savage and a former Dr. Fate from ancient days, Nobu being an entity that’s got a long and storied history in the DCU.

They discuss what to do with a defeated Kekui, and get the idea to seal her in the last like 1 or 2 minutes of the universe before The Big Squish. (DCU runs on the logic that The Big Bang theory is correct, and that sooner or later the universe will start contracting and squish down into the same state it was in before the big bang.) I comment that it was a crowed location. Batman’s been sent there, Doomsday, Neil Gaiman’s Endless are all there, Mr. E and Timothy Hunter.

During the conversation Vandal Savage kicks her to keep her from coming back around, subbing his toe in an undignified fashion. Dr. Fate also comments that if they did this right when she does try something, it will be in a time when the world is not weak too it, and there will be those with the might to stop her return. End vision.

So Charlotte Tender’s the last cultist standing and starts blasting with the Kopesh. She takes a shot at Dr. Entropy that does hit and takes like 18 hero points of Dr. Entropy on forcing rerolls and boosting things and rolling and this and that and the other thing to not die. Which is Basically described as him putting up a chain of gates to divert it into other reality’s, only for them to keep breaking.

Meanwhile 2 shots go for Zebraspider. one rolling a nat 69, which was nice for him. Both missed since Zebraspider is already stupidly hard to hit as is, and with the staff helping him that’s an order of magnitude more true than normal. Having fun with it By the time he’s done dodging, Spiders got one end of the staff on the floor, and he’s in a hand stand with 2 fingers on the other end, looking at Tender while upside down, and wagging the index finger of his other hand at her while taunting “oh no no no! Spider See’s and Spider Do, And Spider’s Making a Fool Of You!” To which an irked Dr. Entropy grumbles about him becoming a Spider Monkey.

Spider also tosses Dr. Entropy a Mana potion which he’s not too proud to chug down.

And then Buccaneer makes that irrelevant.

He sheaths his sword, rushes in, and does the Anime thing of drawing from the sheath for an attack, followed by a blitz of stupidly fast cuts that are just flashes of light before he’s past the person sheathing his sword again before they have an explosion of blood and collapse. But still survive cause it’s a Shonen Battle Series not a Senin Battle Series.

He does this. And rolls both his attacks.

He rolls a 3.

Both times.

On the physics engine for Roll 20 and not the RNG.

Given how unlikely that is the GM decided it had to be rewarded, so that ended up getting treated as a Dubs, invoking the special Cult Of Kekui house rule mechanic, and turning those two hits, now that she didn’t have the headdress or staff to beef up her defenses, into enough to take her out of the fight. We watch as she shrinks down to her normal barely 5ft tall size, the wounds getting smaller as she does. The magic in the area pops, things reverting back to normal, the ritual broke, the rain of frogs and general rain outside stopping. We also note that X Cultist no longer looks like an abomination and Buccaneer even notes she’s conventionally attractive and shouldn’t have eve become a neet anyway.

On Charlot Tender however, Inquiry and Zebraspider notice a needle mark in the back of her neck, about 24ft hours old. And figure out someone drew no small amount of blood from her while she was infused with Kekui’s Essence.

Zebraspider calls Zatara, and Zatara says he’ll need to confirm with the Fates if this is actually this problem solved and there’s no other wrinkles. Zebraspider tries calling Coshka to get Dr. Fates wife to screen the call to ask her and maybe take the cultists and the Kekui artifacts for safe keeping, but can’t get through.

He calls Yev, and we find out Zatara went mid sentence into a Trance. We figure out the magic users are in the magic equivalent of a conference call, and Dr. Entropy patches himself in, Inquiry able to use her powers too ride along, so we can give them more information. There little astral powwow is happening in The House Of Mystery, and it’s basically all the major DC magic users involved.

I will note that Dr. Entropy, after he and his player made an enormous deal that under no circumstances could Zebraspider be allowed to call Constantine out on Constantine’s bullshit that nearly got us all killed in a prior session with out loosing his character because that’s how Constantine works, you can’t confront or go after him and win, rules of the universe, Alan Moore, noted Communist and likely underage explicit content enthusiast, decreed it so!

After all that. Dr. Entropy get’s into the room and Immediately starts shit with Constantine, antagonizing him and looking to pick a fight. I don’t like Constantine and I like Alan Moore even less to put it mildly. Even I was rooting for Constantine in this exchange. The hypocrisy of it was generally quite grating. That said, let the record show I am keeping to the peace treaty I agreed too with that player.

Apart form that, Everyone, especially enchantress, are super impressed Inquiry could get into this being a none mage. Even though the GM insisted Zebraspider as a magic user was much too inexperienced to pull off getting into the call with out an invite that he wasn’t offered. She goes over the formation of all the stuff we know they have. Blood infused with Kekui’s essence, Aquaman’s blood, instructions to make an artifact called The Dagger of Fate, A map to some ritual location. We also discuss how the cult got started and what to do about deterring that next time. Dr. Entropy making his one actually helpful comment of the session in a magic technobabble plan he suggests to accomplish that task.

Enchantress is basically set up to be Inquiry’s Fangirl going forward. And they do have a rough plan they’ll need to polish to deal with New Gods starting the cult up again and keeping that locked down. There also gonna help with parsing out just how actually responsible the individual cult members are for there actions, now that we know at least 1 of there top people was 100% void of free will the entire time, and it’s heavily implied a large number of the others had there free will at minimum severely undermined and compromised through out if not removed entirely.

That said, the general consensus, is that Ra’s wanted the Cult to be stopped by us, so this is still all going according to his plan. The Jerk. And that we need to get ready for that yet. We’ve still got to get his people out of Miami, and we’ve still got to watch over Coshka until Ra’s is out of the equation. None of the magic users thought to collect the cultists or the artifacts, and I was pushing it as was pointing out the other things they’ve got that Inquiry in character would know about but the player had largely forgotten about due to time since they were last mentioned and a very busy work schedule. So those artifacts went too The Fortress of Solitude instead for now, might have the magic types collect them later.

And will be working on parsing through the cultists in the mean time to work out who’s genuinely a monster and who’s actually salvageable and wasn’t in complete control/was under outside influence that would absolve them of responsibility. We are thinking we might be able to get through too them now that Kekui and Whomever form Apocalypses are not whispering in there ear/overriding there brains. This involved a funny bit with us joking about going into a magic tournament and being forced out by the smell.

Instead we just waited out side for her to come out after she’d won. And Zebraspider informed her that 4chan wasn’t really gone, just a temp outage.

Also got her talking, discussed her carry gun. Turns out she went with a snubnose .38 becaus it took out John Lenon so it can’t be all bad in her estimate. *Joke. But yeah, work has begun on trying to maybe reform at least some of the cultists.

We are however gonna just rule that the cult got handled off screen between sessions. And Zebraspider has 1 or 2 small loose ends I’ll be trying to get with the GM to handle between sessions and I will note if I’m able too.

I also will note that were down to 3 objectives for the rest of this campaign. Clear Ra’s Al Ghouls personnel out of Miami. Clear Ra’s Al Ghouls Personnel out of The Justice League and any other high positions they’ve inflicted, likely rescuing anyone they replaced in the process, and actually stop Ra’s Al Ghoul and whatever ritual he’s gonna go for.

With all that said, I’ll see you all next time!

Oh, almost forgot.

We established during the magic powwow, that among places like Miami and Stone Hinge that are places of great magic power,

Hot Coffee Mississippi is in fact one of the most powerful.

Also it’s a real place, look it up.

GM’s Addendum’s:

"Nanosecond’s card was to ignore the first attack against him a turn.

Buccaneer’s card was where he could tap himself (for the same cost as summoning himself) he could destroy all tokens of an enemy.

To be fair, Constantine started the “Dick measuring” contest with Dr. Entropy because John Constantine is well… English.

I like John Constantine.

Enchantress wanted Inquiry’s blood to see if she could divine HOW Inquiry did the appearing trick.

Also Zatana remembered that Vandal Savage was attacked by the League of Assassins three weeks ago.

Entropy suggested having a mass spell that would obscure the information from people trying to read it. And Constantine suggested that is possible after everything calmed down."

I will note that even so, Dr. Entropy and his player threw a hissy-fit at the prospect of Zebraspider doing anything other than rolling over and taking Constantine’s shit, but the second Dr. Entropy had to take shit, threw that advice out the window and did so with complete impunity and not even the first inkling of a negative consequence. This is not lost or wasted on me.

Archon also noted liking the session, and rather liking the cards and there effects in particular as a nice flavor touch.

So, no session proper but I did get with the GM yesterday to tie up a few loose ends for Zebraspider.

This involved a small Cameo from Orion, as he took the Cult of Kekui members off too New Genesis to get deprogrammed form the Anti-life Equation exposure Darksied had given them. With the assurance that thought it will take months if not years, they should be able to deprogram it, and once they have will be able to parse out just how much of there actions was mind control vs. something they’d of done anyway given the power to do it. And in turn, just how culpable they actually are for there respective crimes and the crimes of the other members of the cult.

Also a fun conversation was had with Coshka, In which Zebraspider had the occasion to tell her some good news. In the form of the cult no longer being a problem, at least not for the next several decades at minimum, and all that really needs to be done is to dismantle Ra’s Al Ghouls network of infiltrator robots and undercover league of assassins agents, and deal with Ra’s himself.

Further more Zebraspider got something that I care about but no one else in the group would of cared about, which was a fun conversation with his parents, younger sister, and the sisters Roommate Samantha Hyde, who’s the Intern for Cat Grant that allowed herself to get hit with something that was meant to kill Zebraspider and would of, if it had hit Zebraspider, but because she was at that moment not previously infused with Nanotech, it instead infused her and gave her Super Powers of her own that she’s working on controlling. It was an enjoyable conversation that almost certainly would of bored the rest of the group a great deal, but it was good character stuff for Zebraspider and does show him getting better about actually making himself take a bit of down time here and there, and letting people in on what’s going on with him. Add his Mother unintentionally making racist jokes and all in all, a good time was had.

Slightly more game relevant is the fact that the GM, after notably missing a Fist OF The North Star Reference, established that Samantha Hydes power-set, for some reason, gives her magic resistance.

This is notable because 1, Zebraspider, when that was a direction I was going with him, had to get that power from something different than his Nanotech. And 2, because the GM is on record as Hating the idea of things resisting magic with the white hot intensity of 10,000 suns, so it’s raising an eye brow on my end to put it mildly that all of a sudden this NPC can do it no problem.

Anyway, since an effort to address one of the issue’s she was having via doing a bit of magic for her didn’t work, he put in a call to Oracle to see about getting a bit of tech he’d read a file on from Wayne Enterprises that would have a sound dampening effect for her, to off set her super hearing so that she wasn’t getting her eardrums blown out by all the sound in the area if we needed to have her come do a story related thing. Oracle put him on a path for that but advised she couldn’t do normal options to get it too him for now. Having worked with her a fair bit now, Zebraspider recognizes that Oracle is off her normal game, and while she’s cagy with the details, advises she’s dealing with a family matter. This probably referring to The Bat Family. Zebraspider offered, after things are sorted out with Ra’s, to go up to Gothem for a weekend to give them an extra pair of hands if needed, and Oracle advised she might take him up on that offer.

Anyway, that’s all for that, so, in a week if nothing unexpected happens, I should be posting an update from a new session.

Note: Since more time elapsed between sessions in universe, it’s confirmed by this post that she got the tech and it’s working as needed so she’s back to functional when she has it.

Ok, ladies and gentlemen, we are back!

So, we open up this session a day or two after the cult of Kekui have had there little red wagon fixed. It’s a rainy morning and we open on it and the JLC in there conference room trying to figure out the best course of action for dealing with the large number of Infiltrator Robots as well as dealing with all the league of assassins members that are in positions of authority in and around Miami.

During this discussion we confirm that The Question has yet to be able to narrow down were the captured and replaced Justice Leaguers are. So, Buccaneer get’s the idea, that since Green Arrow is one of the captured members, he’ll go out too the window and start yelling “Help! Help! I’m a Minority and I’m being oppressed!” And that we should be able to hear Green Arrows “Liberal Screaming of REEEEEEEEE!” from wherever he is and follow the sound right too the.

While very funny if your familiar with Green Arrow’s character in the comics, this does not actually work.

What does happen though is a limo drives up. Containing The Mayor and Beuteia Sivana and no one else. We use a training dummy as a blind and get them inside, Zebraspider unable to pin it down what was making his danger sense prickle beyond a feeling they were being watched.

The Mayor is a mess and we have to have a spell put on him to calm him down to get information out of him in clear and usable fashion.

((I’m gonna mention that, that this was a set up session for the confrontation next session. Partially due too the GM having worked a lot of 10 and 12 hour shifts the last 2 weeks due to issues at his work place.))

So turns out he was meeting with Morgan Edge, showed up early, and saw that Morgan Edge was having a hologram communication with someone form Apockalipse. Upon getting him to sketch the guy, it was General Steppenwolf. He wanted to know on a 1 to 10 scale how bad this was, and 10 was Doomsday. So we told him a 10 minimum as a final answer.

We make him a deal that he’s going to confess everything in a legally binding fashion. With out super hero’s present. To a Law Enforcement Officer that he knows is a Law Enforcement Officer, with proper notarization and all that bureaucratic this and that to make it official and legally admissible as evidence that can’t be blocked form admission or tossed out on any kind or procedural grounds.

In exchange, once he does, he get’s Justice League Protection to try to stop Darksied’s inner circle, Ra’s Al Ghoul and his inner circle, and Morgan Edge and his Intergang connections, from murdering him.

So Inquiry calls her college Lt. Frog to meet us at Sivana Labs, which we work out is the most secure spot we can put him short term. Since the other villains won’t want to risk provoking Sivana right now due to being stretched thin and not wanting to have to fight on an additional front, against someone with resources that let him routinely give someone on Supermans level a hard time.

And Zebraspider messages Kat Grant and Lois Lane to be ready on stand by in the Galaxy Communications office as things are about to go very hot for there story and if we are lucky will have a moments notice for that to happen. He also messages his family to let them know things are about to get very hot at work so, they may want/need to brace themselves. Also messages some lawyer contacts he’s made too have them in position and ready for a just in case.

And Beutiea Sivana calls her father about working out a teleport that won’t set off his defense systems to get everyone there. Which allows him to prove that he’s successfully replicated Boom Tube Technology from the Father-box he got to dissect because we agreed too that earlier in the campaign to get help catching Snakey Doyle. He calls it “The Sivana Box!” and he’s very proud of it and it indicates it’s a mess we are going to have to clean up later/in campagin 3. Or before start of campaign 4 as it’s gonna be a plot problem for that.

Inquiry get’s a Psycomitry vision of the Mayor seeing Steppenwolf talking to edge that indicates a lot more Apocolipse weapons and tech are now on earth. And that the mayor as of this morning was only just now starting to worry that JLC might just be able to pull out a win against Ra’s and the League of Assassins, but he’s convincing himself that can’t happen. Until he finds out Edge is playing with an additional partner that might not be playing with Ra’s in turn. Which would check given we now know that Darksied had a direct hand in creating the Cult of Kekui.

So we get Frog and Beutia and The Mayor and a Notoriety Public into the most secure room the Sivana Compounds got, and started letting the Mayor confess. And confess. And confess some more.

Zebraspider ordres coffee and doughnuts from Dunkin for everyone while this is going on. Dr. Sivana uses a matter replicator to make a 4 Loco energy drink, watermelon flavor, for Buccaneer at his request, and we chat with Dr. Sivana Jr.'s new Wife. Turns out they got married during the prison break so we missed it, because she’d gotten pregnant. This includes an amusing flashback scene of Deathstroke having kidnapped a Catholic Cardinal for the wedding ceremony to officiate it, his kids standing by to “rescue” the Cardinal as soon as the ceremony was over, and Kat Grant who was paying for Deathstroke to be a body guard for the time being hanging around so that she’s not short a body guard for several hours. And also trying to find out if Zod might be back because she’s really, really down bad for Kryptonian Men.

Beutia comes out first and remarks that the man is soon to be the former mayor of Miami and that he’s confessing to everything down too a Candy Bar he stole when he was 3. Pass her a cup of coffee, get no such luck on confirming he stole the election though, but do suggest she look at getting in with Inquiry’s former boss who ran against the Mayor last time and narrowly lost.

This as a means of salvaging as much professional rep for her form this fiasco as possible since we did agree we’ve no intention of letting her come to harm, and far as we can tell, all evidence suggests prior too this point, she’s done nothing wrong apart form try to keep the mayor’s propensity’s as a sex pest and for substance abuse under control.

Frog come out, calming spell wears off so we decide that were not gonna drag the mayor to be on camera confessing to everything. I asked Dr. Sivana for a sedative and he sends a war robot in. I ask if it’s going to just hit him over the head, Dr. Sivana says no. And then it electrocutes him till the mayor passes out. According to Dr. Sivana that was more scientific as a sedative format than Blunt Force Trauma.

That aside, Frog confirms that it the election wasn’t stolen in a way that we can nail him on, but, he’s confessed to enough crimes to get him 3,000 consecutive years with lenient sentencing even with out the stuff that might be statue of limitations. And that assumes none of the dozens if not hundreds of one’s that could land death penalty stick, or get the death penalty, which is statistically so unlikely it might as well be impossible.

Similar for The Police Chief, that we know is Ra’s Al Ghouls right hand man Ubo (probably spelled that wrong.) and Morgan Edge.

Because Morgan Edge is the sort of guy that’s always got a spare Ace up his sleeve, Zebraspider has frog organize everything to review with Kat Grant and Lois Lane, possibly on live TV or recorded TV if needed. We Also made it a point to make back up copy’s, and to have the Morgan Edge related stuff split into 2 groups, both still massive in size. This way we can do a round of charges and bring him in, let him use his trump card, and then do another round if needed. This might be tieing into something I was wanting to have happen with Zebraspider, remains to be seen, but here’s hoping the GM goes for it in it’s entirety.

The plan was to use a Sivana box to teleport to Galaxy Communications, and just go in the front of the building, go up stairs to Kat Grants office, and have Lt. Frog go over stuff with her and Lois Lane and that extra group of lawyers Zebraspiders made arrangements with if need be. And then while there handling the parts that will make sure this can’t be swept under the rug and thus once in jail Morgan Edge can’t skate, we’d go kick in the door to Morgan Edges office, arrest him, and then once he’s secure, go to arrest the chief of police, mayors security detail and anyone else. Then start pumping them for were the captured Justice League Members are.

Dr. Entropy decided he had a better idea. He wanted Air Canons so that he could open portals so that he could fire Buccaneer and then Zebraspider at Morgan edge to Blitzkrieg him since we were only gonna have a small time window to hit him with out him either rabbiting or being utterly entrenched, and that was for him and the police chief who were in 2 different spots.

He get’s told the closes thing they have is a planet scale rail gun prototype, that’s not been tested at all yet, has no way to dial back the power form 100%, and is being designed to kill captain marvel and would do hundreds and hundreds of times more damage than the atomic bombs dropped at the end of WW2 did. Rather than accept this with Grace, Dr. Entropy decided that nuking Miami, killing everyone in it in the process, was acceptable to get Morgan Edge. I must note, that would include the entire party, and Zebraspiders whole family.

When he couldn’t have that, he started massively insulting the Sivana’s, insisting there all idiots for not having what he wanted just conveniently on hand. And manhandling Dr. Sivana Jr. and his pregnant fiance to try to get them to unlock the weapon for him.

I will note? Dr. Sivana Sr. and Jr. have Both killed men for far, far, far, far less on the spot. And again, routinely give magic superman a close call.

However due too the GM bending over backwards to not just execute Dr. Entropy, Dr. Sivana Sr. Used a mech to try and restore order. To which Dr. Entropy responded by trying to throw Zebraspider through a parotal with a cosmic control attack roll. I should note, this is after Zebraspider already was forced by my end of the peace agreement from some sessions back, to sit on the sidelines while Dr. Entropy seriously pushed too do something that would kill 95% or more of the people Zebraspider has ever cared about for no good reason. That Peace Agreement and the no PVP rule also forced me to just take it and be thankful he rolled a miss on his attack roll, as between that agreement and the no PVP rule, I was not allowed to have my character defend himself.

Buccaneer and Inquiry try to use a Psycomitry vision of Buccaneers, a cool flashback too the first time he fought first The Cavalier and then Nightwing while working for Blockbuster, to try to get things back on topic, which resulted in a generally displeased reaction form Dr. Entropy’s player.

Finally Dr. Sivana Sr. Shows up with a Mech, a call back to game 1, and threatens Dr. Entropy to cut it the hell out or he will kill him, and to get the hell off his property. Which leads to Inquiry and Zebraspider apologizing on Dr. Entropy’s behalf too the rest of the family while we get teleported, along with Lt. Frog, to the front of the building.

We ended there, and will pick up next session going in, going upstairs, meeting with Grant and Lane and Frog, and then after that will be confronting Morgan Edge and possibly The Police Chief, after a half hour got spent on Dr. Entropy’s idea before it finally went nowhere.

Edit: Almost forgot. Zebraspider does have the whole goings on with Dr. Entropy on video. Just noting for record.

Anyway, that’s all for this session! Tune in in about 2 weeks for the next session!


Ok, so, this one caused a Stir. Archon commented on not liking the update, that this was terrible, and that there is no reason he could see why when Dr. Sivana Sr showed up with the Mech and had his warning ignored he didn’t kill Dr. Entropy on the spot, and then once that happened no reason he could see for the GM not to also immediately tell Dr. Entropy’s player not to bother rolling up a new character or showing up to future sessions, that he was officially kicked from the game.

This sentiment about the utterly one-sided PVP campaign Dr. Entropy had been waging with impunity for some time now was widely shared, with a genuinely surprising and touching number of people reaching out to express condolences that I was having to deal with this, express support, couple even privately offered me a spot at there table instead if I choose it. And the general feeling that there was no compelling narrative reason, Simulationist reason or Game Reason for Dr. Entropy to still be alive or his player to be at the table, and that the only reason for the former point could be brazen Mary Sue Deus Ex Machina.

Several of them also expressed that since it seemed the GM was unwilling to reign Dr. Entropy’s player in in a way that mattered, It might be best for me to leave the game.

The GM did post in the thread after a bit of this to state at the time:

“I know what I am doing, and Entropy’s player is making future me’s job easier.”

I will state there has been some further discussion at this time. A small amount you’ll read about in the next post. Some of which will be discussed in detail at the end of the Campaign Log and the reason for that will also be discussed in detail.

For now, I must suffice to say “bear with me, it’s going somewhere.”.

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we are back!

So, coupl of updates before the session proper kicks off. First, there was some discussion among the group about retconning the campaigns location between last session and this session. What was ultimately decided is we’d move it too a new, unique too the campaign, fictional city, dubbed Sunrise City, that was located right on the outer edge of the Miami Metro Area. Think a slightly more extreme version of St. Augustine Florida and Jacksonville Florida were it’s a 30 to 45 minute drive between the two. Or Minnesota’s Twin City’s. Or if your a Batman and his inner circle fan, think Gothem City and it’s near by sister city Bloodhaven.

Sunrise City was inspired heavily by multiple members of the group picking up the game Crime Boss Rockay City. And the GM and Buccaneers player in particular noticing that that city with it’s absurdly colorful criminals such as a Japanese dude with a samurai sword and Shurikens and an Accent that is so southern you expect it to report to general Stonewall Jackson or go chasing those Duke Boy’s any time he talks, Sheriff Chuck Norris armed with a Calvary Saber and 4 Gold Plated desert Eagles, and a robot Police force, that it basically was a DC Comic’s city just not set in the DC Universe and in need of a super hero or team.

With Miami’s Metro area so near buy certain events are still gonna be in Miami, such as a chunk of Inquiry’s Backstory and the events of this session once we get into them, but other stuff, like a lot of Zebraspiders Web Swinging, are now moved to Sunrise City, which, has a lot more vertically for that sort of thing.

And, unlike some other major Retcons the GM’s cooked up for my character in the past, this one he actually discussed with me first and didn’t proceed with until I’d agreed too it. So I consider that to be a noteworthy improvement.

Also needing to be noted, When Dr. Entropy’s player joined us, he advised the GM had apparently spoken too him in a one on one, and pointed out that I’d noted it was PVP when he’d attempted to Teleport Zebraspider into Certain Death by throwing him at a New Gods security system last session.

Dr. Entropy’s player did, to his credit, apologize for that. He claimed that that had not been his intention at the time, that he’d planned to have Entropy jump right through afterwards thus Entropy would of died right with Zebraspider if that was the case, and that he thought it was alright since Inquiry’s powers get used on the party.

I did make sure to point to the logistics flaw which was if he’d succeeded the roll, I’d have been vaporized and he’d have seen that, sort of like if he’d sent me to the center of the sun. And I was not impressed with his slight dig at Inquiry and Buccaneer to try to shift some of the blame off himself for the ending of last session. However, I’ve also accepted the apology on the grounds of trying my hardest to keep things running as smooth as I can. That said, it must also be noted that Inquiry’s Player made it a point to clarify to Dr. Entropy’s player, that there are 2 reasons why Inquiry’s powers get used on the party. The first is that one of the things Inquiry’s powers do, the thing that keeps happening with the party, is they generate cute scene’s. about 33% of the time give or take, there game plot relevant, and the rest of the time there just cool bits of fluff and lore about the character. The reason they go on so long is the GM likes to take the time to give purple prose to describe the environment, and then when some other character the players who are all DC comics nerds, like, such as Nightwing in last session, shows up, we derail for a bit and nerd out about it. Thus making it seem longer than it is.

And the second reason, is that Inquiry’s Power Flaw, which has been this way since the 1st session of the 1st campaign before we even knew Ascendant existed as a rules set, is that she physically does not have any way to turn her powers off. She get’s visions weather she wants them or not, all the time, from anything as simple as walking and her foot landing on a spot of floor that someone else’s foot was on half an hour or so ago for even an instant, or form being handed a pen or a cup of coffee. She physically can’t stop getting the visions.

It was also noted that we just don’t go into certain characters backstory’s as much about it even though by rights we should do a chunk of Zebraspiders backstory every time he grabs her out of line of fire for example, but the party don’t much care for Spider-man or for Spider-man but the serial numbers are filed off in my case, so I just make a concession to hand wave it, say it happened, and not do the cut-scene and make everyone else listen too it. But that that’s me as a player being considerate, not about how Inquiry’s powers actually work.

Aside form the partial blame shift attempt, Dr. Entropy’s player claims he understands the distiction now, and that he might be interested in having some more of Dr. Entropy’s rather long backstory gone over in Phsycomitry visions form Inquiry. That didn’t happen this session, I’m just noting it in case it comes up later.

Lastly before the session proper, I’m noting that Zebraspider has made several preparations for some contingency’s, one of which I’m hoping for, that are confirmed in play this session, but won’t have full impact till either next session or shortly after next session. The GM is aware of them and aware of what I’d like to get to happen with them. And if he wants a reminder he can DM me any time I’ll happily go over it some more.

So with that in mind, we open on the group arriving at Galaxy Communications main lobby, and meeting Unit 18. Unit 18 is one of the older model Nazi Infiltrator Robots, AKA Even Stevens, that the group fought previously. Because older model there housing more high tech weapons than anything. A reminder, all of them look like Sheena Easton Circa a range of 1984 - 1988. All. Of. Them. All over 40 of them that Morgan Edge has.

They are his personal assistants, private bodyguard force, and, because he’s had a mad crush on Sheena Easton since the 80’s, he’s been using them for personal pleasure in a very creepy real doll fashion as well.

It’s also worth noting here, that because Inquiry is heavily influenced by Miami Vice, a bit part of her backstory is in this universe, Sheena Eastons character on that show, along with the lead, did exist and were doing stuff in Miami in the 80’s, 90’s and early 00’s. Among those things, was they had a daughter while the Sonny Crockette was under cover as Sonny Brunette, which evidently happened in the show at some point. (not the kid part the undercover married part. Kid part was added by Inquiry’s Player.). That daughter grew up, and is now Inquiry. Also of note, because Sheena Eastons Scottish, her stand in character in this universe is Scottish with a Scottish Brogue Accent, and it was really thick in the 80’s per the lore. Less so for the real one now, but the Robots are still doing it back when it was really thick.

All of this to say, These robots that were all going to fight later and that Morgan Edge has been having off camera but confirmed to be happening sex with? They are all dead ringers for Inquiry’s Mother from when Inquiry’s Mother was younger than Inquiry is now. Inquiry is understandably fairly icked out by this. File that away, you’ll need it.

So, anyway, we meet unit #18. There’s some banter when it asks why were here before we give it the actual answer were going with initially, of “Grant owes Inquiry an Interview and she wasn’t going into the lions den with out her entourage.”. Which the robot accepted face value. Too the elevator we go, and that’s when Zebraspiders Danger Sense goes Breserk about something coming down that elevator shaft. Too the point he has everyone step clear of the firing line of it and makes sure he’s between the elevator and the police Lt. when it opens.

Revealing a man in a suit. Who’s often on TV right after Cat Grant. Goes by the name G. Gordon Godfry. Or Glorious Godfry. Out of character, he’s a New God from Apocalypse, but we don’t know that in character yet as in this universe, his story line is in long run format and hasn’t come to a climax were that is revealed to those of us on earth yet.

He makes a snide remark about us in his Tim Curry accent and then moves on, we pile into the elevator. And Zebraspider and Inquiry make some points. Inquiry about the accents not being as thick as the mom robots have it, and as she does, Inquiry’s own usually suppressed Scottish Accent is starting to come through again, which is noted.

Zebraspider, too some joking derision, points out that on the danger sense scaling, Godfry is not only the single most dangerous thing in the building bar nothing, but he’s pinging harder than Darksied’s Daughter, A Triarch of Hell, and A Roman deity, all of which Zebraspiders thrown hands with in the last 3 months in universe.

So we get too the floor with Grants office, Unit Number 4 guides us there, tells us the rules for Superhero’s and Villains which basically invoels this being neutral ground. Also let’s slip that there are about 13 of the units on side, plus 4 - 8 with Mr. Edge at all times if he’s on sight.

The robot also advises that Grants office has it’s own restroom, so, no one was to try to sneak out to sneak around the building claiming they were looking for the rest room. She hates when people do that. Zebraspider as a bit indignant at that one, and Dr. Entropy made a joke about how in 10 minutes he’d be walking out looking for the little Germans Room on the grounds someone ate Chipotle for lunch and was stuck in the one in there for the foreseeable future.

Inquiry makes the mistake of shaking unit 4’s hand and get’s treated to the image of Morgan Edge having a 4 on 1 with he Robots. The Robots, that all look and sound, like her mother, down to very small details. We get inside the office and the first thing we do is get a bottle of booze in Inquiry’s hand for her to start chugging in a desperate effort to brain bleach that information out.

Some banter is had with Cat Grant and the group about this while Lois Lane is taking a Call from her Husband, Clark Kent, who somehow got a Satellite Phone down in South America we are told. Totally unrelated to Superman being off world just now. While Cat Grant is verbally lusting after the man.

Anyway, once were sure Inquiry’s gonna kick out, we get down to business, introduce Lt. Frog, who gives half the charges and evidence too Grant to run with live on the show. And the other half to Lois Lane, to run with as soon as we call in for Lane to do so, so that we have a counter for whenever Morgan Edge plays his Trump Card to try and get out of this mess. Because Morgan Edge is one of those characters who never goes into a situation with out a trump card up his sleeve. There is also some banter about Coshka and a few miscellaneous topics, before Zebraspider gives Cat Grant a note card and tells her it’s for a lawyer that is going to need to talk to her as soon as the broadcast is over. This being one of the things I’ve set up for this situation.

Cat Grant Being the closest thing we’ve got too a person we can trust, Zebraspiders called in favors to some Lawyers he knows and has saved the lives of/have loved one’s he’s saved the lives of over his solo career. They’ve been setting things up to effectively use Morgan Edges Criminal involvement, to stage a blitzkrieg fast hostile corporate take over of Galaxy Communications, and put Cat Grant in charge as the new head person.

The intention of this is that this plus one other thing I’m hoping will happen when Morgan Edge plays his Trump Card, will represent that part of there story-line closing out, end too hostility’s. Wasn’t the ending I’d originally planned, but, Retcons and making lemonaid.

And yes, Dr. Entropy’s player made a joke that it’s Daredevil that’s the lawyer, even though that wasn’t the NPC information I sent to the GM. I just kind of rolled with it for a moment for the joke.

Anyway, Deathstorke gives us a way to get into Edge’s office with out having to fight every robot in the building to get in and risk civilian casualty’s, involving the vents of course. Jokes are made about man sized vents in fiction and about Deathstorke and his fixation on underage persons. Were walking were walking.

So we get up there, Buccanner on point hilding his cutlass in his teeth pirate style. Bit of stealth was we get out of regular art decko design with blue and gold colors, and into a very sickly new gods design, complete with Apokalipse Runes around the place.

We over hear a partial call between Edge and Darksied, yes, that Darksied. And edge complaining about it. We break in, in a few positions, looking to do a dramatic entrance. And have a gag about Zebraspider and Dr. Entropy missing Buccaneers signal the first time before bursting through a wall and taking out 2 of the bodyguard robots.

Small note, Inquiry didn’t bring her usual .45 to this fight. She brought her father’s 10mm.

We also learn that Morgan Edge seriously considered having Inquiry’s Father killed in order to get Inquiry’s Mom, but decided not too, as he refuses to sleep with a woman who’s slept with any man other than himself before.

And that he listens to a lot of Manosphere content and funds no small amount of it. He get’s mocked a lot for this during the fight.

During the fight he hides behind a force field while the robots go at us. We tear them apart easily enough, though, Inquiry’s gonna have nightmares of the images of her mom trying to kill her friends, and her, and also getting horribly manged in the fight even if it is Robots. IT’s worth noting a couple of them do get some lucky hits on Zebraspider thanks to a screwy mechanic the GM game up with were if there not too badly damaged, they can multiply the number of attacks they each have on top of normal team attack benefits. There hitting so hard this way and so many times that 2 of them get to light Zebraspider up with 6 attacks between them, and the 2 green hits they make are enough to wipe out just under half of Zebraspiders health, even after Zebraspiders Armor soaks up a chunk of it.

Anyway, we deal with them, and Morgan Edge Surrenders. All he wants is to not be killed or maimed when he’s sent too prison. Seems, he’s confident he’ll get out or that whatever is ace in the hole is is a get out of jail free card.

He even makes the rest of the robots stand down.

Unfortunately for him, Inquiry hates him right now, Buccaneer’s not a fan either and also violent, and Dr. Entropy, is Dr. Entropy. The latter pulls me aside for a minute to show me a random thing that we rule is some art related bit about statues, while Inquiry rolls 2 red hits and shoots Morgan Edge once in each nut with her comic book none lethal but still painful 10mm Ammo. (edited)

Dr. Entropy adds a spell to enhance pain too this.

And Buccaneer runs a lower charged lighting bolt through the man.

All on the grounds that the way the wounds are delivered + Comic Book physics, mean we kept too the letter of the agreement. We didn’t maim him or kill him. He’ll recover in a few weeks or less.

So we got to cart him out, and Dr. Entropy works with Inquiry to filter her visions to see if we can find out if he knows were the captured Justice League Members are.

He doesn’t, but he’s able to help us narrow down were Ra’s Al Ghoul could be hiding, and it’s closer than we thought.

Buccaneer figures Ra’s wouldn’t want to let the league members out of his sight, so there probably the same place.

Also, we find out Morgan Edge doesn’t like working for Darksied, or Ra’s. But did give Dossiar’s with everything Morgan Edge, with the full resources of international criminal cabal Intergang, other international arabic ninja criminal cabal the League Of Assassins, and International Media conglomerate Galaxy Communications at his completely control, could come up with on JLC around the time the campaign started.

He couldn’t get much on Wraith, but, then, Ghost, so, that’s to be expected.

He got everything on Inquiry and Nanosecond, including well before the rest of the group knew, the fact that Inquiry preferred the company of lady’s. Granted Inquiry is public as a super hero, something we even joked about at one point earlier in session, and Nanosecond doesn’t take much in the way of precautions with his identity.

Further, he got everything on Buccaneer related to his days as a criminal. And Ra’s is still holding a grudge against Buccaneer for taking a dump on Ra’s front lawn that one time. (In Buccaneer’s defense, he was in the middle of the wilderness in the Himalaya mountains. He literally didn’t know it was League Of Assassins home base at the time.)

Since this was a vision from start of game, nothing on Dr. Entropy of course.

And then Zebraspider, was interesting. They knew that I wasn’t linked too the original Wolf Spider, even when he was using that name for a bit. But they could really only guess at what else might be going on with me. They were close, but not close enough.

Let me repeat that.

Zebraspider has done such a through, methodical job, of making sure no one can trace who he is under his mask, that The full Resources of Inter-gang, a group that frequently oppose Superman and deal with Alien Gods, Ra’s Al Ghoul, an Immortal with a network of ninja spies and assassins at his fingers tips, and Galaxy Communications, an enormous corporate power that deals in information specifically, with all there effectively infinite tech, manpower and money, have been foiled over almost 3 years in trying to figure out who Zebraspider is. With Zebraspiders relatively limited resources and just sheer, willful caution about keeping his identity shrouded in mystery.

This is a hugh win for me as it’s the first time in 2 campaigns the Secret identity’s worked as intended.

And it’s a victory in the form of, very few people could out fox them like this under similar circumstances. So suffice to say I’m pleased with that.

I should note that while the GM take it as “Just because your paranoid doesn’t mean there not out to get you.” I take it as “The fact that there out to get me means I’m not paranoid, I’m appropriately cautious.”. This is made all the sweeter my so many people who really had no business knowing who Zebraspider was, just ever so casually figuring it out like it was no big deal to do it, particularly over the course of this campaign.

Anyway, we go to cart Edge Out, and end the session there. Confirming next time will be able to talk to The Question and likely pin point were the rest of the league are held captive that way. And Will be arresting the various League Of Assassins members that are in the Miami Sheriff’s department and in city hall. And either during next session, or after in an in-between session bit, will probably get some final revelation to what Edges Ace In The Hole was, and the efforts against it, and the ties in’s to Zebraspiders story-line.

But with that all said, that’s this session, which, I’d consider an upgrade on last session.

And tune in in about 2 weeks if all goes well, for next session, same Ascendant Time, Same Ascendant Channel!

GM’s Addendum:

“Not much to add other than it was a shorter session because work is busy.”

Ok ladies and gentlemen, we are back!

So we opened up this session after loosing ballpark of 2 hours of game time to 1 player being in transit back home to be able to join in, and then what as best we can tell were server side issues with Table Top Simulator.

Once we managed to navigate past that, we opened up on handing Morgan Edge over to Lt. Frog, who had finished her TV appearance with Kat Grant to go over the charges against Morgan Edge and The Mayor and The Police Chief, and with a considerable number of there crimes now public knowledge, to call for them to be brought in and arrested. And with Dr. Entropy giving her a portal to drag Edge to the local penitentiary, Zebraspider making a quip, Dr. Entropy taking a shot at Zebraspider, and Lt. Frog trying her flirt routine with Dr. Entropy. As we depart to go after the League of Assassins members passing as Miami Police, Zebraspider does confirm that Kat Grant is talking to his little Crack Team of Lawyers and already getting the ball rolling on locking down control of Galaxy Communications with Mr. Edge now out of the picture for all intentions and purposes. Hostile corporate Takeover before anyone can react too the fact that there is a problem with the company.

This get’s extra humorous when we are leaving the building and Glorious Godfry, aka G. Gordon Godfry, shows up on the phone. With a bit of perception and the benefit of having sound filtering built into his armor mechanic, Zebraspider can make out that he’s trying to work it out to buy a controlling interest, or at a minimum a genuinely major stake, in Galaxy Communications. And he’s at the moment getting rather pissed at the fact that he’s being cock blocked in his effort to do so, by Zebraspiders Crack Team Of Lawyers, who evidently he wasn’t expecting to swoop in out of left field to lock down control of the company with that sort of speed and preplanning in place.

Now, even with that victory, we still had to deal with the police force. And we had a problem as not all the cops are bad cops. And we didn’t want to hospitalize the entire police force. So we came up with an idea after a bit of discussion, and in a team effort by Dr. Entropy and Zebraspider, we got a very convincing illusion going of The Joker, Harley Quinn and around twenty or so big dudes in clown makeup with a Nuclear Bomb and some very Joker Paraphernalia over at the football Stadium, threatening to blow up the bomb if they weren’t given ever left Shoe in the county in the next 113 minutes. Even added in a touch for realism of Harley also asking for a Rubber Chicken and Joker slapping her and berating her for getting involved in the Joke.

This was choosen for several reasons. First, it’s known that The Joker will randomly break off to do other things. It’s part of his plan but his plan really only makes sense to him Everyone who does big plans in the DCU just accepts that that’s a random X factor that can creep up once in awhile and they’ve just got to be ready to roll with it when it does. Thus, it didn’t arouse suspicion form anyone that it was happening, so they reacted naturally. Which was just what we wanted, because of reason two. Ubu and the other League Of Assassins members don’t really care about the area, and only care about Ra’s plan. So there not going to go risk there lives to save it form The Joker, and they know they’d be risking there lives going up against him like this. Thus, what they’ll do is to keep up appearances, they’ll commit the none corrupt officers to it. All the people that are not even remotely in on what The Leagues doing, will head out to the stadium to cordon it off and mess with that problem, and all the people that are in on what the Leagues doing will remain at the police office on some excuse. Meaning all we had to do from there, was give then about 15 minutes to respond, and then go kick in the front door.

Which we did, and got nice target rich environment, free of risk of friendly fire.

So, that in mind, Buccaneer has the idea to get in through the vents and come at them from behind like a raccoon, as he put it. We quickly figured out that if he did that, this being The League Of Assassins, they’d be ready for it, and probably kill murder whomever it was that went in that way while there still in the vents. This gave Zebraspider an idea, and he disappears into a store and comes out about 3 minutes later with a couple of roles of Duct Tape and a mannequin and a sales receipt.

At which point Zebraspider asks buccaneer if he has any Flashbang Grenades, and Buccaneer tells him he has any kind of grenades he wants. So we spent the next five minutes rigging up the grenades to have different fuse times so they’d go off in waves, and duct taping flash bang grenades, stun grenades and tear gas grenades too the mannequin, and painting “Yippie Ey Kay Yay Mother $%@#er!” on the chest of the mannequin. Before Zebraspider did a bit of magic to animate it and send the mannequin crawling through the vents to go after there rear so that they’d get waves of grenades going off in there midst. First Flash bangs, Then Stuns, then Tear Gas, to mess them up and keep them messed up.

During this time we also discuss the fact that Zebraspider has not forgotten that Ubu was the one, in the guise of police chief, who worked it out so that Snakey Doyles men would escape early on in the game forcing us to recapture them, and also worked it out so that in the process of that multiple good cops were murdered on our watch. Including one instance were Zebraspider had to choose between saving the officer and saving Inquiry’s life form a certain death situation and could not save both. No, Zebraspider has not forgotten that at all. Though evidently Inquiry’s player had so, we had to remind them of all the shit Dr. Sorry and Inquiry have gone through because of intel this group got on her.

And immediately used against her. Though evidently she’s calling it six in one half dozen in the other due to having met her significant other out of the equation. Zebraspider however has not had that happening with him, and is in fact very much looking forward to kicking the shit out of all of them, but particularly Ubu.

With that established and the Mannique doing it’s thing, we hear the grenades go off, and kick in the front door. And were greeted by Plague, a DC comics character with powers over disease who generally works for the League Of Assassins, and a bunch of SWAT officers who are League Members in disguise. So we have a fight, some quips are thrown, mostly by Zebraspider. During which time we observe that they have shotgun loads designed to mess with magic a fair bit for Dr. Entropy, and, interestingly, they have Kord Tech shotgun loads to incapacitate but not kill Inquiry. But for everyone else, there getting lethal ordinance used on them. The general theme for the quips is judging them on how good they are with the shotguns, and mocking the guys who miss while complimenting the one’s who don’t. “See, if you practiced more with the shotgun and less with Shuriken, you’d be better with it. Like that guy that just landed a hit on me? He knows what he’s doing, good job you! I’ll remember that when I get over there to kick your ass in a second!” That sort of thing.

Zebraspiders Armor comes in Clutch stopping Plauge from likely incapacitating if not killing Nanosecond on her first turn, and she also get’s a bit of banter before Dr. Entropy drops a Purification spell on her to nullify her disease based powers by exploiting how they work in lore, and then drops a binding spell on her that locks her down long enough for Zebraspider to get over too her and just choke her out while she can’t defend herself. That aside, we get them taken down with out too much affair after that.

Inquiry does her thing on Plague, winging about having to touch her because her whole thing is diseases and pestilence and such, and also because she’s basically a femcel. Another one. Like, the fiftieth one we’ve fought in three months. Anyway, she does it and Zebraspiders got the industrial sized thing of hand sanitizer on standby.

She learns were Ubu’s hiding in police Headquarters and were the other couple of league members that are here are. The other members are with there communications device that they use to talk to Ra’s Al Ghoul to get orders. And it’s been marked a priority that we not be allowed to get access too that or to use it to trace Ra’s back to his local headquarters. Which, also has a Lazurous pit with it it seems, and that’s a big part of his plan, to have one of those near the nexus of magic power that the city represents. We get a roll call of whom else is there. Noticeably missing is Anya Valcova. So will have to deal with her at some point. An noticeably there, is Snakebite. Who get’s sent into the vents when they detect what they think is one of our team sneaking through said vents.

The vision ends with the sound of him screaming as the Grenades start going off. So he’s either been incapacitated by that, or he’ll be in a severely weakened state if we do have to fight him later, albeit also likely highly pissed off. Unless he’s smart. If he’s smart he’ll be thanking Zebraspider because he’ll known I’m the only reason those were none lethal ordinance and not Tanarite Grandes.

She comes out of the vision, and the facility goes into lock down. Nothing out or in. So we either beat them here or die trying now. Though it’s notable that while the way the lockdown/containment works, it’s not particularly effective at countering anyone since Buccaneer is a dude with a magic sword and combat skill, Nanoseconds a cyborg, Dr. Entropy is a mage with a magic artifact, Inquiry’s powers are super weird by Metahuman standards, nd Zebraspiders powers at this point are a convoluted and nigh on unreadable mess form too many ill conceived retcons. At least one or two of which are going to need to be addressed at some future point either during this game or more likely in-between games 2 and 3 as currently they render explaining anything about how Zebraspider does what he does a nightmare to do, except for explaining why he now has some spell-casting ability, but even then that’s only his newest trick it shouldn’t also be the only one that makes a lick of sense at present.

That tangent aside, we debate who to go after, and settle on going after the people guarding communications first. We figure we need the communications locked down because with out that, we might not be able to find were Ra’s Al Ghoul is holed up. An we need to do that fairly badly if we are ever going to finally stop his plans. Also, he’s likely to have all the captured Justice League members with him, and we need to get them free, and if we do that, they can help us. Considering that includes some fairly high tier names like Wonder Woman and The Flash, that get’s priority. We figure if Ubu get’s away, he’ll go to Ra’s anyway, so will just end up having to fight him later regardless in the worse case.

So we go in after the communications and find one of the named members there with about 4 mooks, removing there communications set up. We banter with him a bit about justice and were not really sold on his idea we need to let Ra’s Al Ghoul massacre people in the name of balance. We also mock him for a seeming lak of functionality in his scales after finding out his scale themed staff doesn’t actually work.

During this time Zebraspider detects there second group coming up behind us, about 4 strong, and in so doing they are denied them element of surprise in so doing. This one includes a member who’s described as Platinum Blond Black Widow several times, who’s champing at the bit to sword-fight buccaneer.

Yes we make some jokes about this over the course of the session, given how Buccaneer’s been with women up too this point.

We close out on the party taking initiative though and team attacking the group in front of us. Dr. Entropy doing magic that locks down the communications array so they can’t move it or damage/destroy it with out dealing with us first. Inquiry shooting the named guy with a Kord Tech round ala Indiana Jones and the sword guy form Raiders Of The Lost Ark. And Zebraspier webbing the guns the other mooks were carrying into there holsters to deny them access to firearms during the fight.

Yes, I am forgetting the names of the other 2 member here, we got there names like, 1 time each in session, they were not typed out anywhere, and when I asked the GM a bit ago, he has not responded as of me typing this. I’m sure he’ll pop in later and add the names.

Anyway, we had a bit of a back and forth with the GM about recovering Hero Points and finally seem to have gotten it across to him that the system is designed, from the ground up, not to just give hero points back only when it’s arbitrarily dramatic, but that there suppose to be recovered every session barring doing things like breaking a code of honor power flaw that would deny you any recovery, and that the system math assumes this. And that given he’s already tossed or fudged no small amount of other rules for arbitrary reasons, we’d need to come back in with Hero Point Recovery intact next session. Having gotten this clarified with him I am noting it here to make sure we all stay on the same page when next session rolls around, hopefully with little or ideally no confusion on this point going forward. As well as to note for any GM’s running the system that think they can arbitrarily delay/withhold hero point recover session to session, that that doesn’t work, and your just going to piss off your players. We’ve tried it. Learn from that please I beg you.

That all said, that concludes the session as we left off with that opening volley before rolling initiative.

We probably would of finished with this little leg of the adventure, but all the issues and delays getting started ate into it, and by the end the GM, who’s had to do a lot of extra hours of recent due to incompetence in the work place, as a succinct way to sum it up, and Dr. Entropy, Nanosecond and Inquiry’s Players due to health reasons and just having more than usual on his plate of recent, respectively, were feeling the fatigue as well by then, and so voted to call it. So here’s hoping we don’t have a repeat of that next session, as there are still a few loose ends to be tied up yet.

But next session, join us as we hopefully conclude this battle with The League Of Assassins, and come withing striking distance of ending the metaphorical war with them as well!

Addendum: Platinum Blond Black Widow is the character White Willow.

The guy with the thing for Scales is Libra.

Just got the message back form the GM at the time of the original Discord Post.

So, ladies and Gentlemen, you are now caught up. There is some behind the scene’s stuff I’m not at liberty to speak on at time of this post, but all the stuff for public consumption is in this thread as of now.

The campaign is ongoing, and we’ve just had some major hurricanes make a mess for some of the players and the GM, so, were not sure when precisely we will next play, but rest assured, it is coming.

Going forward, I’ll post to Discord first, and then post too here as I go. Which will hopefully make it easier. I will say backing it up was a labor of love but it was a labor as I had to dig through posts to manually copy and paste form Discord.

Anyway, take care all, and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are back!

Alright, so, Nanoseconds player didn’t join us this evening, he ended up having a family obligation to attend too. So we were down one speedster.

That in mind, we started off in combat with Libra and White Willow. We had Initiative rolls taken the end of prior session but access too them got lost between sessions, so we just rolled again. I will note, we had a new Table Top Sim mod that gave us not just 10’s but dice set’s with the double digit 00 style d100’s as well. Also before I forget, due to ongoing comp issues, the GM didn’t have his own comp so was discording in over the phone and having us roll for him.


Fighting starts with Buccaneer and White Willow going full Anime Sword Duel, complete with smack talking each other in Japanese. Because it turned out everyone in the party speaks Japanese we ruled that the whole fight was going on in Japanese, complete with Zebraspider looking at this, face palming and declaring “Yare Yare Daze.”

Dr. Entropy manages to incapacitate Libra, and then we start working on the 4 mooks White Willow has, since our surprise round last time effectively tied off the other 4 mooks so we didn’t have to worry much about them. The 4 mooks, because the GM decided to amuse himself, have Ninja Versions of Swat weapons. Instead of just, ninja weapons. Or guns.

First guy’s got Riot Shield Tonfa’s, Second Guys got Taser Nun-Chucks, both kind of stupid but alright, work with that. And then the third guy had a tear gas grenade launcher bowstaff. I had a rare moment of agreeing with Dr. Entropy’s player that that was really really stupid, and so the GM decided to inform us that the last guy had Shotgun Sai’s. That one was so dumb, as was the defense of “It’s very Toyetic!” that I, Dr. Entropy’s Player and Buccaneers player all about lost our damn minds right on the spot.

If this had been an IRL game, I’m sure one of us would of thrown at least one book at the GM at this point.

A reference to the movie “The Gamers” Is made were we discuss having or characters go through a portal too the real world to beat up the GM as a joke.

Anyway we finally manage to rally from this and get on with it. Dr. Entropy decides to do what Dr. Manhatten did to Roarshack at the end of Watchmen too the guy with the Shotgun Sais. To my disapproval. Zebraspider ended up incapacitating both Tonfa Riot-shields guy and Bostaff Grenade Launcher guy and doing it in ways that were a touch embarrassing for the effectiveness of there weapons to make his annoyance plain.

Inquiry caused Taser-Nun-Chucks guy to nail himself in the balls. And then threw a power event at White Willow to help Buccaneer with out appearing to help him, which caused her to get a complete electrical circuit through the Taser-nun-chucks and buccaneers sword before eating a bunch of none lethal sword slashes. It’s that whole “It’s fiction, this should be fatal but she’ll walk it off in like a week.” thing applying.

We web up all of them for arrest, and then start checking out the area to figure out were Ubu and Valcova are. At which point, a new figure shows up. He’s another canonical league of assassins member known as The Sensai. A Japanese Martial Arts master who’s been alive since the 8th century AD via the Lazurous Pits, and who’s loyal to the League of Assassins and has been around and helping to train them since they’ve existed.

Turned out he hasn’t come to fight. He’s come to talk and tell us to take the machine back to our base, get it a significant and sustained power supply, and we can use it to figure out were Ra’s is holed up. Evidently, Ra’s has decided he wants just let that happen and let us come at him while he’s dug in for a fight, as he’s decided that we are persistent enough that a combat with us is inevitable. So he might as well make it happen on heavily prepared home field advantage.

The Sensai tells us he’ll be there to fight at Ra’s side and that Ubu and Valcova are already there. He also explains the machines have been able to get past detection for the communications for so long as there not of this earth. The thing looks like something out of a 50’s Science Fiction movie prompting me to ask if it was reverse engineered form green lantern Abun Suar’s ship that crash landed on earth.

The GM had not considered that but decided to tease us that that may be the case. Thus causing Buccaneer’s player to have yet another sanity slippage moment before we finally pinned the GM down on that not being the case.

In stead, the Machine is just The Interociter from the movie This Island Earth.

Anyway, the Sensai leaves, and we take the machine back to home base, though Buccaneer breaks off to go looking for Light-weaver. His plan is to make Light-weaver power the thing under threat of limb removal. However shaking down his various criminal contacts confirms too him that Light-weaver is, in fact, not in Sunrise City. Or Miami. Or Florida. Or the USA. Or for that matter even in the same Hemosphere. He’d need to head out to Fiji just to start getting warmer.

So that’s a bust, and while he considers some other people he doesn’t like, no one really pins down well to be captured and forced to cooperate. During this there is some banter about getting Volcana to side track him form torturing whomever he drags back so that the rest of us can use a none torture solution.

Anyway, back at home base, we discuss who were gonna call up to help with powering the thing. Dr. Fate, Livewire, Aquaman, Firestorm and Captain Atom are considered. Ultimately we settle on Captain Atom for various reasons. This results in Dr. Entropy giving Inquiry Psycomitry visions of various warcrimes the Captain Atom of Dr. Entropy’s universe committed, including being the bomb that dropped on Nagasaki.

Over all Dr. Entropy makes clear he rather dislikes being in the same city as Captain Atom, were as Captain Atom is nothing but good natured the entire time.

We also get a vision for Inquiry off of him of him Dropping The Nuclear Twins from earlier in the campaign off in the 31st century with Superboy And The Legion Of Superhero’s, as in the 31st century the technology to permanently stabilize there powers so that there not a constant existential threat to themselves and others is readily accessible.

So that was cool.

We get the location figured out, and debate on weather or not to bother calling Ra’s. Vote goes 2 for 2 against and Captain Atom get’s to tie break and votes for, on the grounds that the meglomanica types often tell you what there planning if you can get them talking. While we do that, we have Yev talk too The Question to see if the location we’ve got matches up with the 4 options he’s looking at for were Ra’s might of hidden The League Members. Turns out, he was in a series of limestone caves, under St. Augustine Florida, Under The Fountain Of Youth.

Also turns out there’s a Lazerous Pit there.

Anyway, we give Ra’s a call on The Interociter and initially reach Talia Al Ghoul. Zebraspider is able to get her to give up a big chunk of the plan in talk, and has a line about hope springs enteral relating to trying one last time to talk them off the ledge unsuccessfully. The call is, all too easy to set up given were dealing with Alien Tech, so by now we know it’s a trap.

This is confirmed by Ra’s going in in an archaic Arabic Dialect that Zebraspider rolled a 1 to translate. Discussing making ready for the attack, referring to what we’d have to do to get in as a battering ram. Between that and some surveying of the runes and carvings and such in the back ground, we figure out he’s got the base rigged up to vaporize people teleportation in, and plans to have a kill zone for our required arrival point.

So, it turns out, that what Ra’s is trying to do this whole time, is to disconnect himself from the jurisdiction of the existential concept of fate.

In so doing, he’d make it so that the Lazurous Pits would not get less effective over time. That each bath in them would always be as effective as the first one. And that’s he’s gotten fed up with his chosen Heirs not accepting his plans for them and intends to do this so he can slaughter most of the earths population and then rule what’s left forever as an effectively immortal god king.

So we start working out how were going to get him out of that fort he’s set up for himself. Can’t bombard it, it’d destroy the ecosystem for a geographical area larger than half the state. And there’s a civilian population in the line of fire too boot.

Can’t teleport in, the wards would vaporize anyone who’s not supremely tough that tries it.

We discuss teleporting to the area over Saint Augustine and having The Atom shrink us and descend through the molecules too get down and then grow us back to kick Ra’s ass, and determine the wards would vaporize us if we tried that too.

We figure out the wards are set so that whomever goes through has to be a heavy hitter of some kind, a very tough one, and a magically inclined one or the wards will get past there general resilience. We can’t wait for Captain Marvel to get back to earth form deep space. And anyone else we send in would be giving Ra’s what he wants, access too the type of entity who’s blood he needs in order to finish his ritual.

And, we can’t just wait because he’s still got the infiltrator robots out and more and more of them taking over at this situation progresses.

Yes, this was the GM’s way to railroad what happens next, why do you ask?


We get a bit with Dr. Sorrow joking about how Zebraspider won’t pronounce Ra’s name right and about Zebraspiders Language skills. And a Minor gag exchange about the costume and how women like it during all this.

And then Yev comes back in, and informs us it lines up with location number 3. Evidently Question had thought none right under the nose locations were the more likely options, but this did check all the facts. So we know for sure he’s got the League Members there but wants us to try to go in after him and them.

We discuss summoning something to send in, but determine the wards on the place would cause us to loose control of it and almost certainly kill the hostages.

And then we get informed that Dr. Fate wants to throw Coshka at this problem on the grounds she should be tough enough to survive the short burst of time she’d be in there on her own before backup could teleport in. Given that they have at least 1 possibly 2 weapons that could Kill Coshka and Ra’s wants Coshka’s blood for his ritual, Zebraspider’s understandably not liking that idea.

He asks Yev if Dr. Fate’s gone mad and Yev claims Coshka’s volunteered, too which he asks if anyone thought to tell her that this actually could get her killed as the all of 1 time she was in actual danger in campaign 1, she didn’t know about it till after the fact, and the Abbott NPC and Zebraspider were the one’s that neutralized that danger.

We have a bit that was generally regarded as funny were Yev had written down the entire conversation he had with Coshka about it verbatim and read it off, including the parts were she was telling him not to write it down and not to talk to Zebraspider and to let her talk to him directly about it, and during which, showed she did in fact understand she was taking a serious risk, but was going to do it anyway because of how many lives were on the line if we didn’t stop Ra’s machinations.

Still, not wanting to let the woman feel like she’d had her express wishes violated, Zebraspider decided to call her up on a private com channel. With the whole party deciding to inject themselves in in the process as they are want too do. I’d hoped for some character growth on that, but no such luck. Oh well.

Anyway, they have a moment, she get’s to convince Zebraspider directly that she knows the risks and is not being foolish about this, but is also taking the risks to save other people.

Plan is she goes in first, breaks the wards, followed by our team, reinforced by Captain Atom, Jay Garricks Flash and Alan Scot’s Green Lantern, and then right on our heels will be Dr. Fate, His Wife who herself is a top caliber sorceress, Star Girl and Power Girl, and then after that, basically every other hero we can possibly throw at this that we know isn’t replaced with a robot. Etrigan, Plastic Man, Both The Atoms, Bat Family Members, Ted Kord Blue Beetle, anyone we can be sure was not replaced.

Zebraspider still would of liked to have another way, but he did call up some magic of his own to give Coshka better odds. This, turned the last hour of the session into a back and forth about what the magic was going to look like, with Dr. Entropy’s player repeatedly shooting down what should of been rather sound ideas for how to stop her getting nailed with the Sisyphean Dagger(s).

The GM agreed the conga line approach of them just passing the dagger to the next ninja until one of them got a lucky critical hit was asshole tactics and he’d not be doing that during this. And also agreed that even though he wanted us to fluff the protection spells as conjuring magic jewelry, he wasn’t going to have the league of assassins members remove the jewelry to get past those defenses.

The final forms the 2 protective spells ended up taking were a Torq that will cause any of Coshka’s blood that leaves her body and get’s more than 2 feet from the rest of her to self vaporize, and a Circlet that will tell her The True Name of anyone attacking her and thus allow her if they have the dagger to use that to stall the attack for a time. It only has to buy us one or two combat initiative orders worth of time before will be there, and securing the daggers is going to be on our priority list.

We ended up ending off there with a note that the whole party logged time in the Lifepod on base to make sure everyone’s resources, Hero Points, Luck Points, Health, Armor, Determination, ext, were all completely topped up for the assult.

As it looks like were maybe 1 or 2 more sessions, 3 at the outside, away form the completion of the campaign.

Oh, I should mention, forgot till just now, fun story with Jay Garrick from Captain Atom about him disassembling an entire Nazi U-boat during WW2 that was off the coast of Florida one piece at a time. It was a fun bit and I’m sure the GM will mention it if I do not.

Anyway, that’s all for now, tune in in 2 weeks or so if all goes to plan as we begin the Climatic battle for The Justice League Caribbean, Guest Starring everyone we can get away with!

GM Adds:

The Bat Family will sadly not be appearing but basically every other hero who did cameo in the last two games. Including Aquaman, Mera and Merra, the Nazi Infiltration robot that Aquaman sniffed out immediately and Him and Mera were able to break conditioning to free.

The Jay Garrick note was Golden Age Flash fighting Golden Age supervillian Killer Shark. This is notable because his daughter has shown up in game. The U-Boat was not described where it was fought but the German crew spent the rest of the War in PoW “camps” in Florida which is true. Due to the dirth of population in Florida during the war many German PoWs were housed in Florida doing tasks like shelving for stores and picking Oranges. After the war most returned to Germany but a sizable number decided to just stay and keep the during the war jobs.

During the beginning of Inquiry’s Phsycomitry read on Captain Atom started off like the Hallway of Lights scene from 2001 A Space Odyssey before focusing in on the fate of the Nuclear twins.

Anyway, that wraps it up for now, take care all, I’ll see you for the next post as we are closing in on the end of the campaign. Between 1 and at most 3 more sessions, and we should have the grand finally of Justice League Caribbean.

I will, when it’s over, be asking for some final thoughts from everyone still playing. And for a copy of there final character sheet to post for posterity.

I will also be discussing other details and what plans get made for Campaign 3 after the game offically concludes, so stay tuned!

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we are back! We had an IRL delay with some stuff that happened to one of the persons in the group, but as of last night, (as of this post.) we are back in the saddle!

So, the session picks up were the last one is left off. Everyone assembling at JLC headquarters, the totally not Avengers Mansion, to start teleporting into Ra’s Al Ghouls base, Lazurus Pit and Ritual Site under the fountain of youth in St. Augustine Florida. A last round of good byes and hand shakes and advice and hugs and prayers are had between Coshka and the people that were in the party during game 1. (Met with some “jokes” by Dr. Entropy that ended up causing this to need like 3 tries to get it to happen and made it far less of a moment than it would of been if allowed to just play out naturally the first time.)

After that, we teleport Coshka in, and as soon as the Machine lets us, we follow suit.

Zebraspider, desiring to get the drop on the situation, and to pull this maneuver from the other end, and also to give Buccaneer a bit of pay back for some of the head aches Buccaneer’s caused him (But mostly because his player wanted to do it and so did mine.), proceeded to ask Buccaneer if Buccaneer ever played much baseball. And when told no, he told him he was about to learn, and to lead with the sword.

Before throwing him into the fray. Comic Book Fans may recognize this with Buccaneer playing the role of Wolverine and Zebraspider playing the role of Colossus, and there iconic Fastball Special maneuver.

This was ruled as a team attack for Buccaneers first attack, which, turned out to be on Bane, who had one of the two Sisyphean Daggers. And to be temporarily stun locked by one of the wards we’d put on Coshka preventing him from managing to get in and stab Coshka with it while she was fighting an Even Steven’s version of Deathstroke The Terminator.

Between opening on a team attack with a good role, and following up with a red hit, Buccaneer managed to drop Bane on his turn.

So, I should probably say, the entire session after the first few minutes can be summed up as “And they fight and they fight and they fight and they fight.” with brief moments of goofyness inbetween. Oh, and with Zebraspider’s nerves being wracked by the fact that he’s trying his hardest not to let Coshka get nailed by anything that can actually kill or, and secondary too that, that can draw her blood so that Ra’s can finish his ritual.

As such, there’s a good chance I’ll miss some details here or there, or just omit them because I’m not sure that the joke would be funny to anyone reading this who was not sitting there live.

In fact, for sanity sake, I’m probably going to try to just stick to highlights.

Nanosecond and Buccaneer got torn into pretty good by a Ravenger Even Steven, Baroness Blitzkrieg and Tigermoth since Nanosecond picked up Bane’s Sisyphean Dagger, while Zebraspider tried to go after The Sensai, who was the one holding the other one, and wasn’t super successful. Though Inquiry did get a good power stunt out on The Sensai, while Dr. Entropy put a severe mental attack on Baroness Blitzkrieg and managed to drop her with it. He went with none lethal as not killing people allied with Kriegler was decided to be the thing that would help him not blow his cover in case we needed that later, after some discussion.

As the fight progresses we get more Justice Society members filing in, Wildcat, and I’ll be honest I’m not even sure were he get’s too after he get’s into it, Jay Garricks Flash, Alan Scotts Green Lantern and Hawkman. All of whom end up fighting members of Captain Nazi’s 4th Reich and keeping them off us while we work through Even Stevens and League Of Assassins members.

Buccaneer get’s after the Ravager Even Steven and starts sword fighting her. And due to a very, very unlucky roll for him, The Sensai throws the Sisyphean dagger at Coshka, but misses and hits Deathstrokes Even Steven instead.
Zebraspider takes the opportunity to secure the crap out of both that Sisyphean Dagger and the one Nanoseconds holding, in order to keep them from getting retaken by the bad guys, and drops a heal on Buccaneer and Nanosecond since they were both below half health by now, and Nanosecond was actually below a quarter health.

Dr. Entropy goes in and drops a big illusion spell of forcing everyone into the Chaos God Of War’s realm (which he would of had to make up on the spot there’s no such thing in DC lore.) and uses it to get a fear effect that compels all the mooks to fleet the fight, letting us just have to worry about named supervillains, and stopping them from having fodder for there sacrificer perk. This cases Zebraspider to have less stuff for his armor to try to pick through visually and his danger sense to have to pick through less threats, and pick out 3 baddies trying to close on a pre-occupied Coshka. Including December Greystone. A blood manipulator that looks like he should be fronting a late 90’s/early 00’s Emo Band. Recognizing that this guy can draw blood on Coshka, Zebraspider calls for him to get nailed by someone. And even as he does so The Sensai, Silken Spider and Tiger Moth all jump whim while Dragonfly 2 jumps Inquiry and we start taking some damage, though, nothing Zebraspider can’t work through yet.

Inquiry drops another power stunt and that results in Captain Nazi, who turns out to be an Even Steven, getting blasted by hawkman, hard, into Greystone. Who, is somehow, not incapacitated by this and trys to focus through his pain on using his power on Coshka.

Zebraspider uses his Protector perk and get’s in the guys face, invading his personal space and making a very obnoxious, distracting little quip, to force the guy to hit Zebraspider with the attack instead. Which, takes a serious chunk of Zebraspiders health out. Another hit like that, or a few more of he smaller one’s, and Zebraspider might well of died there.

So Buccaneer comes in and mops up Greystone, making some quip about Batman getting it on with Catwoman as he does.

This annoy’s and infuriates Talia Al Ghoul enough that she jumps into the fray, going hard after Buccaneer who actually manages to get a hit out on her in turn. That gives Zebrapsider some breathing room to heal though, even as The Sensai banters with him a bit, and so does Silk Spider and Tigermoth, whom, it turns out, along with there partner in crime Dragonfly, have combo attacking down to a science, and are rather looking forward to having there way with Zebraspider if they can beat him.

During the banter with Talia, I must mention, that we resume an old discussion for the characters. Who we think Batman really is. With Buccaneer trying really hard at first to convince Zebraspider that Batman is Dick Greyson, and then when that doesn’t quite works, Alfred Pennyworth. drawing out a lot of “Literally who?” from Zebraspider, until Inquiry starts chiming in, Gas-lighting Zebraspider that actually Alfred Pennyworth might well be The Batman. She of course, actually knowing who Batman is, and having previously done this no once but twice when, through sheer accident, Zebraspider ended up figuring out Superman was Clark Kent. (Inquiry’s Gaslighting is in fact the only reason Zebraspider is convinced that he was wrong both times and Superman couldn’t be Clark Kent. Much to Inquiry’s amusement.)

During this Nanosecond also get’s to drop Tigermoth as paypack for earlier, and get’s too hurt Captain Nazi, while The Sensai get’s knocked out by Dr. Entropy, and Dragonfly 2 gets also taken out by Dr. Entropy.

Inquiry get’s to power stunt finish Silk Spider, in this case, with Coshka throwing a stalagmite that weighs about as much as a Honda Civic at her opponent, Cuarie (She’s a Batman Beyond villain usually, but his is a much younger her.), missing, and then Silk Spider getting caught in the path as it slam’s into her at 40mph.

Buccaneer keeps fighting Talia, and we get another round of quips about Robin being her kid, which, shocks Zebraspider. Particularly because he saw a news photo of Robin ramming a sword through Talia’s stomach from like 5 months prior. (The Robin in question is Damien Wayne.). This also results in Zebraspider realizing he’d severely underestimated how old Talia was, having pegged her for being in her 20’s.

Anyway, that fight ends with Buccaneer breaking Talia’s sword, and then recreating the end of the Catheran Zeta Jones fight from The Mask Of Zorro. Were he cuts her whole outfit off and she’s left standing there with just her long flowing hair to hide her nipples? That. That happens to Talia courtesy of Buccaneer. Who then knocks her out for good measure.

And then goes in for the finish on Captain Nazi. Resulting in a lot of Terminator references, the last one of which Zebraspider recognizes as A Meme, which makes Alan Scott feel really old as he took his teenage grand kids to see T 1 and T2 in theaters. (I have to periodically do things like this or the party forget’s that Zebraspider was born post September 11th. )

Anyway, Dr. Murder I think the name was, electrical power user from The 4th Riegh, actually manages to knock Alan Scott on his ass, and Zebraspider comes in for the save, power stunting his glue to Paralyze. Which, gives Scott enough time to stand up with a helping hand, shake his head clear, make a quip about how much getting old sucks to which Zebraspider pays rapt attention, and then blast Dr. Murder with an American Flag Construct to knock he out.

That just leaves us with the confusingly named Captain Murder, who as Inquiry and Dr. Entropy find out, is built tonka tough as she’s still standing and looking not much worse for wear after a whole battle fighting Jay Garricks Flash, and after both of them hit her with everything they’ve got.

So, with just Captain Murder and Cuarie, Zebraspider goes wall running past Coshka, gives her a high five to the hand she’s holding up to guard her face in her fighting stance and says “Tag, I’ll get the cutter, you get the muscle bitch.” As he rushes to close distance with Cuarie.

She goes down fast, she swings at him while he’s trying to close, he catches the blade with thumb and forefinger because wall-crawling power and also he’s got like 10 ranks of strength and agility or more on her, and snaps her sword at the hilt before hitting her one time in the chest, open palm so that he doesn’t kill her, and putting her into the wall leaving an imprint of herself there as she goes limp from being knocked out.

Made funnier by Buccaneer encouraging him by saying “Just imagien your punching me!” as I rolled 2 reds for that and then his player adding “Wow, you must really hate me.”

Meanwhile, Nanosecond get’s to combo attack Captain Murder with Jay Garrick, which is played as Garrick teaching the younger speedster how to use his speed to do proper light speed punching and how to vibrate his molecules to phase into the thing he’s punching part way so he can get past the unbreakable skin or armor, and hit the softer parts to actually make the punch due damage.

This ends up letting us drop Captain Murder. Ending this particular fight.

As Zebraspider goes to try to do some magic to help put the wind back in the sales of the JSA members who are looking, a little worse for wear, Wild Cat successfully get’s past his danger sense and sneaks up on him, causing him to do a double take as the only 2 people to ever pull that off were Deathstroke The Terminator and Gelding.

Both notably superhuman.

As Zebraspider does his spell, Wildcat advises that he wants the JLC to go after Ra’s and whatever is left of Ra’s inner circle. The JLC members are gonna free the people replaced by Even Stevens. And Coshka’s gonna guard the teleport entrance while more reinforcements come in.

Zebraspiders not liking that last one given how full of surprises Ra’s has been and that it’s Ra’s home turf.

But put’s a spell on her to alert him and let him teleport too her if there is any such surprise. The GM ruled that I do not need to roll for that one, on the grounds that he is not going to have there be any such surprise. She’s out of danger from this point forward. We succeeded at that part of the mission, we saved her. And in particular, Zebraspider got her through her part of this alive and in one piece which he’d been stressed about the entire time. And which I as a player had been stressed about for the last 2 weeks, having been quite sure that if the GM didn’t get a PC kill, that he was going to GM fiat kill her the way he GM fiated a forced failed state with the Samantha Hyde NPC, only this time, he was going to make it fatal for the NPC.

However, now armed with the assurance that that would not be the case, and with a spell to put the JSA back up to speed, we start heading to do the rest of the work. Hawkman bantering about how satisfying it was to wreck the crap out of Captain Nazi being a particular note.

And Zebraspider has a bit of a conversation as he starts wall crawling up to were Ra’s is with Buccaneer. That being that Buccaneer can have Ra’s. Zebraspider wants Ubu. See, Zebraspider has not forgotten Ubu causing the deaths of 5 or so cops on Zebraspiders watch during the ill fated Prison Transfer, and now it’s time to begin paying the piper on that one. As for Buccaneer killing Ra’s, Zebraspiders gonna just rationalize this as an exception. That Ra’s should of been claimed by old age century’s ago. So all Buccaneer is doing is putting that back to rights.

It’s enough to let him just let Buccaneer work this one last time anyway.

So, we wrapped up the session there.

I do have to comment, that for the first time in a log time, the GM was making it a point to track hero point uses by the party, and too use the damage table in the book. I’d gotten so use to him just rounding numbers and giving us round numbers, it actually threw me a bit on doing math to track damage to armor and health.

Oh. Almost forgot, at the end, Inquiry did do a Psycomitry vision on Talia Al Ghoul. And we found out Ra’s does have one last trump card.

He’s got some old medical blood samples of Coshka’s from before she got super powers.

It’s not as good an option for his ritual, raises the risk of failing a great deal, but it still puts him in the realm of having a fighting chance at completing it.


That’s all for now. Join us next time for what may well be the final session for Justice League Caribbean, as we at long last get to confront Ra’s Al Ghoul!

DM Comments:

"It was Dr. Demon and Captain Murder.

You also called the JSA thr JLC in the last bit.

Also Wild Cat was getting the Doom Key Card to release the trapped Leaguers."

Also, Teleros, official play-tester for Ascendant, commented that he recommends that hero points are the main resource for inflicting resource attrition in Ascendant. Much more so than health, armor or Determination. So wanted to preserve that.

And then we sort of snarked bout how the damage table numbers are round numbers, but not round numbers in base 10 math.

Alright Ladies and Gentlemen, we are back, for the final session of Justice League Caribbean!

So as per usual with these last sessions, a fair number of jokes were you had to be there were tossed around, and a big chunk of the session can be summarized as “And they fight and they fight and they fight and they fight!”.

Our final line up comprised Ra’s Al Ghoul, his bodyguard and manservant Ubu, the traitor Anya Valcova, the inventor of the Nazi Robot Dopplegangers Maxwell Tremaine, grandfather of a sort of party ally and now daughter in law to Dr. Sivana Sr., Dr. Otto Netz, and support muscle in the forms of Cheshire, Mad Dog 2, and an Even Steven of The Hunter (minor neo Nazi super villain he’s only ever been in like 2 comics.). We do open with a bit of banter were Zebraspider makes it a point to make Ra’s note that he and his daughter have both been tricked, separate of one another, into giving there game away. As well as taunting him that for all his resources, I’d foiled and frustrated his efforts to learn who I was with nothing but a bit of cloth. Gm ruled that he doesn’t react too this because he’s too assured of his victory. Buccaneer also rubs some salt in the wounds to antagonize them. And it must also be noted Dr. Entropy attempted to turn whatever he was drinking for there magic ritual into Green Apple Koolaid, but, only succeeded in annoying Ra’s by making it taste like Green Apple Koolaid

Buccaneer takes the initiative and starts sword fighting with Ra’s, and quips that it’s a pity he lost his ability to use his steroid spring water, because Buccaneer would of loved to have fought Ra’s in his prime. Ra’s early on in the fight, accepts this challenge, and after taking the first hit, dives into the Lazurous Pool.

Valcova’s trying to take out Inquiry with a Swat Issue Grenade Launcher. Which results in Inquiry blowing up the Grenade Launcher in Valcova’s hands with a well placed bullet down the barrel of said Grenade launcher.

Maddog 2 spends the combat spraying bullets and flame thrower blasts out of wrist mounted weapons, at Nanosecond, who spends it clocking him and being shocked he’s not down yet. To which Maddog 2 quips “I survived the Suicide Squad, I’ll survive you.”. We will come back to that in a bit.

Hunter’s Robo replacement and Cheshire spend the fight gunning for Dr. Entropy and keeping him preoccupied. At the end Dr. Entropy does enough Psychic damage to knock out Cheshire and manages to vaporize the robot, the latter with a big team attack.

We also had the 2 actual Nazi’s grumbling about Inquiry favoring women during the fight before we managed to get around to dropping them. Given that the party are all rather protective of Inquiry, Buccaneer and Zebraspider going so far as to consider her part of extended family, we didn’t take kindly too this.

Ubu came in swords Akimbo and tried to cut Inquiry down, with Zebraspider stepping in with Protector Advantage too tank it, and bantering a bit at Ubu. Zebraspider having precisely none of Ubu’s shit after the incident were, under the guise of the Police Chief/Sheriff, he caused people to die on a plan Zebraspider had objected strenuously too, to further Ra’s Plans. Zebraspider has not forgotten that or forgiven him that. The GM has Ubu doing a lot of damage, far more than a normal human should be able to in the system, and also, taking a lot more damage than he should be able too. As a result I manage to get 2 good red hits in on him with some hero point expenditure, but because I can’t get a roll below the 70’s despite spending heropoints to power-stunt more mileage out of Extra Attack with out damage fall off and reolls offered from Inquiry several times to secure one, I’m unable to just finish him right there even though I’d really wanted too because it would have been much cooler than what actually happens in the subsequent combat round. So, he get’s tossed around abit and is totally fine at the end, which, makes Zebraspider look not at all effective as a combatant.

While Ra’s comes out of the drink, he does goe crazy and take swings at out side and his side, and ends up helping Buccaneer deal with Tremain, the result being that Tremaine goes flying from his hover chair into a wall and stays there. Netz also goes down, and tries to fall into the Lazurous Pit but is stopped by Inquiry forcing a reroll. And instead lands outside of it, very incapacitated. Inquiry also get’s into a shoot out with Valkova, who’s now duel wielding 1911’s, and using suped up versions of the Kord Tech none lethal rounds Inquiry favors. Which prompted both Zebraspider and Inquiry too quip about Valkova copying Inquiry.

Right before Inquiry fires a split second faster than Valcova in a power even, hitting Valcova’s bullet with her own mid air about a foot from Valkova, and causing Valkova to get a hard enough electric shot that Valkova’s hair stands on end and for a second we can see Valkova’s skeleton before Valkova goes too the ground and stays there.

Meanwhile, Nanosecond drops Maddog 2, and, being he’s an Objectivist and Maddog 2 is the sort of guy that preforms premeditated murders on children, Nanosecond decided, this guy wasn’t getting another chance to do that. So as the fluff for the lethal finisher move, he vibrates, and turns on the bomb that’s inside the guys head form Suicide Squad. Dude at first thinks Nanosecond missed, then hears it start beeping, get’s an “Oh shit!” look, and then Nanosecond quips at him “So much for surviving The Suicide Squad.” As the dudes head blows up before he can do anything with a look of horror on his face.

As this is going on, Zebraspider actually takes so much damage from Ubu that Zebraspider’s Armor goes to 0 points of durability left and fails. Zebraspider in turn, slips a sword swing that was meant to finish him, and catches it with a combination of wall crawl and super strength to wrestle it out of Ubu’s hands at an angle that should not be possible, and runs it through the back of Ubu’s arms and shoulder blades to lock him into a Crucifixion position, using webbing to stop him form bleeding out. Zebraspider also webs off the Lazurous Pit entrance so that no one else can get in it and recover.

Buccaneer leads a team attack that we use to all get hits in to finish off Ra’s, with Zebraspider using smack talk in a probably unconventional way, to use webbing to hot wax rip half of Ra’s facial hair off of Ra’s face. Zebraspider also steps in and takes a massive hit for Buccaneer that wipes out more than half his health in one go. After everyone’s laid out Ra’s (and finished off the Hunter robot.), Buccaneer flicks him on the forehead to push him over, and we decide on what to do with him. We consider an Atlantian Prison, the Phantom Zone, But settle on an off world prison in deep space that the Green Lanterns have.

What our party doesn’t know in character is that we sent him to the Red Lanterns primary home base of operations.

So he get’s there, swears revenge on Zebraspider in particular for what was done to his facial hair and for his plans getting ruined, and then bumps into Dexstar, and as he starts backing away freaked out from that, he backs into Bleeze, who grabs him, and as the molten lava starts coming out of her, we cut to the planets skyline as we hear him scream. The skyline, notably, being inspired by middle ages and renaissance artwork of hell.

Suffice to say he won’t be paying any retribution on Zebraspider for awhile, if ever.

So, that in mind, we head back to link up with the leaguers and society members. We’ve got a person there who identifies herself as Agent Zero. Inquiry get’s a Psycometry Vision, that’s all about a thing called Spiral, ordering her to ensure Talia Al Ghoul and Bane escape, but that the others do not, because the balance between super hero’s and super villains must be maintained, and if either side get’s too much of a win, Spiral’s goals will be jeopardized. She collects the group, But Zebraspider is able to use some of his blood and some hero points on making a trace spell so he can keep tabs on them. Caveat that if he’s gonna go reality hopping he will need to work out another way to do the tracking though.

We look over the people that are there, give some help with the hangover like symptoms of being in the pod to Black Canary and mention she might not know this but shes been unofficially made a bestie with Coshka along with Powergirl, Inza and Stargirl. And riffing on Green Arrow and making sure he know’s he’s not living this down for awhile. We also met Mr. Freeze again, who advised Inquiry that he’d pay Magpie back for the diamond she stole form him after he’d checked on his wife. We had a chat with him and agreed to let him do that, conditional upon his agreement that he not kill anyone between now and whenever next we meet. Were fairly confident that he’ll hold up that end since he’s getting to check in on his wife.

Now, the GM made us roll for civilians to see if we recognized them, and we uniformly botched it. Given that some of the rolls we had were in the low 40’s, I question the difficulty of this. There were nine of them in total. One was Jay Garrick wife. (Jay Garrick the Golden Age Flash.). One was Madhatter 2, who was referenced as having been taken early on as part of Ra’s using Magpie. The GM never stated it, but I have to think one of them was Amanda Waller. And one of them, was Frank Freyco, Kat Grants Intern. The one we’d thought was dead for years and that Grant had been persecuting Zebraspider over his failure to save.

Frank in particular we had Dr. Entropy check over for signs of being the real thing, and Inquiry, and he came up Genuine. Inquiry getting a vision of Bane and Gelding arguing over him with Gelding wanting to kill him and Bane wanting him alive for Ra’s, as a means to get inside Galaxy Communications to make sure Morgan Edge wasn’t backstabbing them. Zebraspider, being in something of a state of shock at seeing the man, calls up Samantha Hyde, and finds out that while we’d been busy with Ra’s, Galaxy Communications got hit by a fairly large number of killer Robots. Deathstroke managed to deal with them, but not before they got the drop on Samantha, who got saved by her new nanotech Hobogoblin Powers. And now she has a glider that can fly.

I didn’t like this idea when the GM first rolled it out. Time has not warmed me to it in any way shape or form. I think it was a waste of potential. Giving her super powers might of worked. Making her Hobgoblin and in the manner he did was frankly asinine and was not at all liked or appreciated by target player. I’ve told him this, and I’m recording it here, reader, so that if you as a GM find yourself tempted to do similar too your players? Take my advice? Don’t. There’s a high risk you’ll incite them to walk from your game whole sale.

Anyway, we have Hyde meet us at JLC headquarters and she get’s to interview all the civilians we saved. Hydes gonna get the scoop and the by-line which should more than off set the career set backs she’s had over the course of the campaign, and Frank is going to get to write a whole tell all book about surviving years of captivity by The League Of Assassins, which, should more than offset his career setbacks. It’s also noted that Zebraspider will be escorting the pair of them too Galaxy Communications after the interns had a shower, a shave, a meal and some medical treatment to handle the after effects of the pod, and after Hyde’s gotten her interviews.

For conclusion points for the characters at this last stage of this game, and the immediate aftermath results for them:

Nanosecond, is just kind of going to be settling into doing stuff in Hub City, and separating out form Justice League Caribbean after this story-line. Spinning off into his own book.

Dr. Entropy will be having a meeting with Dr. Fate and Justice League Dark just after the fact with this, and setting a piece of paper down on a table listing artifacts he needs with a closing comment “Gentlemen, ve haf artifacts to find, a var to vin, and a sorcerer suprive to deveat bevore he vecomes a threat to the very multiverse.” Cut to black.

Dr. Entropy will not be in the next campaign, if Nanosecond is in the next game he’s gonna be a cameo.

Buccaneer, with help from Zebraspider per there deal post Camelot arc, and Inquiry, is going to be having a long talk/argument with the senior league members about setting up his own team, The Irregulars, based out of coast city. The team would have 3 purposes. Firstly, to be a dedicated team to protect Coast City since the Green Lanterns are usually off in space and not protecting coast city. Secondly, since we’ve successfully reformed Buccaneer, it would be to further cement that with effort, super-villains can actually be reformed in a number of cases. And lastly, they’d be the Dinobots for the League. They come in big, loud, hard, and are the hammer and the anvil. And badguys know when the Irregulars are after them, they have well and truly screwed up, because the Justice League decided to let a bunch of nut jobs with sociopathic and psychopathic tendency’s go after them. Suffice it to say he will return in game 3, but he is going to be no longer part of Justice League Caribbean.

His team is going to be:

Buccaneer: Team Leader.

Volcana: Second In Command. Top level pyronkinetic.

Livewire: Groups face and living electricity person/speedster.

Dinomight: A tiny super genius T-Rex that hates mammals and has a massive ego. He’s the smart man in the chair talking over coms.

BEM: Bug Eyed Monster. He’s the big guy/strong man for the team since he turns into Kaiju for a super power.

Zorana The Elf Queen: She’s the team’s magic specialist.

Blue Condor: Cyborg with Windcontrol Powers, he’s the party’s resident guy with a brain-cell, field technology expert, and stick in the mud with actual guilt about having done not great things. Also doubles up with Volcana as “People that expressly refuse to trust the Government.”.

It is established that the last thing that happens is them getting ready to gank the Royal Flush Gang as there robbing a bank with a quip form Buccaneer of “Bouinous Deiz Fuckboy’s.”. While over top, he’s narrating a big speech about heroisum and it’s nature, before it cuts to “Directed by Micheal Bay” as Linken Parks “What I’ve Done.” Starts playing. With a post credits cut to Dinomight, sitting in his chair, complaining about not understanding why they had him hack into the banks speaker systems to play that song of all things.

Buccaneer will be back, but not right away, because he’s spun off into his own comic.

Inquiry will be having Dr. Sorrow pop the question, and asking Madhatter 2 to give his blessing and give away Dr. Sorrow at the wedding. After some discussion it’s gonna be a February Wedding in universe, Coshka’s gonna cover the cost and be wedding planner as a wedding gift, and there’s gonna be a long list of superhero’s attending as well as Super-villains that can behave themselves short term. Both ladies will be wearing dresses, but there gonna give out 1 Bouquet and one Garter-belt. So, Dr. Sorrow throws the Bouquet, Inquiry get’s to toss the Garter Belt. After some consideration it was decided that Giganta was gonna catch the Bouquet.

And that the pair was gonna have a lovely Honeymoon on Themiscara, even with Aquaman trying to get them to go on a Rousing Atlantis Adventure for the Honeymoon. And then the day after the Honeymoon. The latter will have Zebraspider pushing him through a Zetatube to check something with while giving them an ok gesture behind his back to give them a small respite while Zebraspider keeps him preoccupied.

Also of note: Inquiry will be stepping away form the superhero line of work. She will be going, effectively, reservist. Call her if it’s an all hands on deck emergency, but, failing that? She’s busy.

Busy being out in a jungle somewhere with Dr. Sorrow, the two of them both wearing broad brimmed hats, jackes, kaki shorts and boots, with a belt containing a gun and a whip on there hips, and a John Williams And The London Symphony Orchestra theme-song accompanying them on there adventures in Archaeology. Which Is Inquiry spinning off too her own book and leaving JLC.

Also that John Williams thing is not an exaggeration. Buccaneer and Zebraspider and an unnamed 3rd party are all going to have the bright idea to hire John Williams And The London Symphony Orchestra, and one morning on an April 1st, Inquiry and Dr. Sorrow are gonna come out of there tent, and from behind them, here there new theme music kick on, and turn around to see John Williams And The London Symphony Orchestra assembled behind there tent, preforming it live, as a very expensive April Fools joke.

For anyone keeping track, this means that at the moment, right after this game, Justice League Caribbean is just Zebraspider, and Yev, as the man in the chair. But also, this means Zebraspider get’s to all but pick his new team this time.

That would bring us to Zebraspider, however, I am gonna have to put a pin in that one. See, I knew Zebraspiders was going to take a long time, Inquiry and Buccaneer’s did too. So to make sure that they got there turns in and to make sure I’d have time to ask players for final thoughts on Ascendant The System, I opted to delay and cover mine just with the GM at a later time. Since Zebraspider is the only character that will be going into the start of game 3 carrying over form game 2 as a strict player character and not cameo or NPC status. (Note: Buccaneer’s return is planned for later, and Inquiry’s return will be her being an NPC as the person in a chair typing on a keyboard talking too the party over the com to give them plot relevant information.).

In the next post. You will see final thoughts as I’ve been able to write down and summarize them. I did prompt everyone for positive and negative. The first person posted will be Dr. Entropy’s player. I must advise to disregard his for the most part, save for were they overlap with others. The why will be made clear after these posts. I will also endeavor to post a copy of there character sheet as of final session for records.

Note: Was unable to upload sheets at this time. If ever that changes and I become aware of it, I will attempt at that time to correct. My apologies to the readers.

Dr. Entropy’s Player:

On the positive: Likes that it’s a D100 based system.

Doesn’t like the granularity and that it get’s “too in the weeds.”.

Disliked the minimal clearly marked Magic options.

Did not feel the books well marked out a number of the rules and had difficulty grasping a number of rules. A particular detail was he points to cases of all the rules not being located in one place for most given things.

Does advise however that a large number of his complaints are possibly just the way the GM ran it, feeling that the mechanics did not pair off well with the narrative game style.

Feels the cut off for ranks in Cosmic Control to mimic other powers was a little bit excessive.

Nanoseconds Player

Overall likes the system since all the difficult stuff is done up front and everything is done with a D100 roll. Feels character creation is the hardest part and is a bit of a tripping point.

(Note: He is our least experienced player and has only played 2 campaigns in any system at all, including this one.)

Buccaneer’s Player.

Also enjoy’s the use of the D100 system as that is at his moderate level of experience, his favorite dice system.

Likes that once it get’s it’s forward momentum going, it really moves smoothly.

Dislikes the way things were laid out and presented in the rulebook. Formatting, Formatting, Formatting. Not fond of how much of the heavy lifting had to be done during character gen.

Also wishes for further support to be able to more easily build a no powers character that can keep up with the super powered characters.

Inquiry’s Player.

On the Positive: When the system is running properly, to my understanding, it felt like there was not a lot of heavy lifting on the player end after character generation.

Also really likes D100 systems and the inherent simplicity of the use of D100 systems, as well as the “Initiative: Roll d10, Add, and high number good, Everything else, Roll D100, roll low, lower is better.” Further likes that feeling that the lower the roll was on the D100, the more confident they felt just seeing that on there success.

Character gen did at various points feel confusing and hard to initially absorb.

Player notes that Inquiry’s “Psycomitry+String-Theory” style powers are extremely difficult to mimic in this system, but are also extremely difficult to mimic in every system they’ve tried it in so far, so that it not necessarily a problem with the system.

Also doesn’t feel the system does hyper specialized or “One trick pony” characters well. (Some comic book examples actually come from The X-men. Characters like Cyclops, Gambit and Shadowcat/Kitty Pride, that are fairly popular and that a lot of people would want to play around with a version of.)

Player also mentioned not being especially fond of Simulation, but does understand the purpose of doing the heavy lifting during character gen, so that after that, all you need is 1 or 2 numbers form your sheet, and the numbers from your dice, and that informs you if you succeed.

Does find getting too that point more intensive than they like, and notes that “It’s not a pick up and play system, you have to be committed to the simulation aspect to play it, because you really need to figure out what your character can do ahead of time, to make game play smooth during the game.”

Further comments the liked the granularity and options initially, then had a sort of “eyes glazed over” period part way through character gen, but then by the time they got into actual play, got very into it and felt it was very streamlined after Character gen.

And then there’s me, Zebraspiders Player:

So, first thing first. I do like the system. Once I got a bit use to D100 as I am more acclimated to dice pool systems and D20 systems, it clicked very well.

I, am actually gonna suggest that it might make sense to tweak initiative to try to make it uniform with the roll low mechanic the rest of the system uses. I say this because I lost count over the campaign of the number of times various players had to be reminded that you roll high for intuitive because they got so use to trying to roll low on everything else. I don’t know for sure this would work. But I think it might at least be worth a bit of tinkering with. (Granted our guy who’s super new to TTRPG’s as a concept was the one struggling to keep track of this the most, but it does still show it can be a pain point for people not well experienced with such things that might pick the game up just to humor a friend or such things.)

I also liked the versatility of the Heropoints, once we understood how to recover them and got a ruling set down that if Player 1 has a no kill rule, and player 2 decides to murder bad guys in there faces, that player too doing that does not cost player 1 his hero point recovery. I will be frank, I forget if that was a house rule or a rule in the book, but before we had it established for this campaign it cause a lot of intra-party strife and with out it the campaign would of fallen apart before it’s midway point instead of making it to completion. They are, once understood and that one pitfall is cleared, a very versatile resource and well mapped out in there use.

I Do have to agree with the problems with formatting however. Example: When we all sat down, we had a fully accredited software engineer, a guy who’s entire job is reading legal documents all day and understanding them to determine if there filed correctly, having to correct lawyers in the process, a man who in his country is actually a lawyer, and a man who worked with numbers all day for a bank were there was 0 margin for error with the numbers. I tell you this to point out these are not stupid, illiterate or mathematically challenged people.

those 4 people between them also had north of 40 years of combined TTRPG experience. In a variety of systems. Superhero systems of wide variety including Champions, FASERIP and Mutants and Masterminds, stuff that would now be considered old school/retro and retro-clone style games like AD&D and 3.5 D&D and Traveler, all sorts of things.

Despite all of that however, these 4 people looked at the rules for Income and money, and Completely got it dead wrong. Not only that, they each looked at them independently, and all got them completely dead wrong, in the same manner.

A big pain point there was having text but not having the chart right there with the text.

And this was not the only time this sort of thing happened, but it sticks out in my mind because it’s so particularly absorbed that it’s perfect o draw attention too that pain point. (And I know Archon told me at the time we figured out we were doing it wrong that the only reason this wasn’t changed in the Errata to fix it was by the time we found out, the Errata was already too the printing press and it was too late to edit it, but still, it serves it’s purpose here as an exemplar.)

Again, I know were harping on that one, but Formatting goes a long way to selling books and paving the way to market dominance.

Or at least bigger market share.

I do think the supplement/optional rules for more clearly defined magic in order to handle stuff beyond “I blast it.” is a good idea. I also think the video series for character gen and running it are an excellent idea and would be invaluable.

And, while yes, repetition of rules might come up to cover the rules interactions, I think if that means splitting the core book into 2 or 3 Core books, then that would be a worthwhile thing to look at doing for 2nd edition. ACKS and ACKS II both did this, and as far as I am aware are much beloved and doing well. I think Ascendant would benefit from following that course, having the repetition in the books, and thus making it much quicker and easier to find and reference everything in one spot for all aspects of play. With the only real split being “What do players need to know.” “Now what dose the game master need to know.” and “Here are a lot of pregens to help you out as templates.”.

The Game Master. No Applicable Character Sheet for this reason:

Pros: IF you have a group that wants to do what the game had in mind for it’s design, it runs like butter and velvet. It’s a well oiled machine that serves it’s intended goals very, very well.

Unfortunately the game is a lot more narrow than intended, as it was sold too the group as a system that could do basically any superhero on. When it seems best suited to playing, in earnest, the Ascendant Comic-book Universe.

Also complains that the game feels somewhat arcane to get into, and that if you go in with out someone who has high system mastery going in, then the group is likely to run afowl of the system sooner or later even with best intentions. The system, to try to summarize this point, has a very high skill floor.

Feels part of this is character creation is a bit obtuse. Scrying as an example, does not work the way the average player on the street might expect something called “Scrying” to work. And there are a number of other powers, that run into similar issues.

Suggests that a video series of how to make Iconic Hero Builds (I want to make a character like Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman/Spiderman/Ironman/Storm/ext.) that is publicly posted somewhere that is easy to find would be invaluable toward allowing incoming new players to see how to handle the character creation as well as how to get the system mechanics to do the specific sorts of things they want it too do and to “get it.”.

Further suggests that some video’s showing a few one shot sessions to show the flow of the system in various types of play (Combat, Social Encounters, Investigations, Disaster Responses, ext.) would be good to help new prospective game masters come in and be able to quickly get a feel for how running the system works and to pick that aspect of it up more swiftly.

Also suggests that a supplement book for Magic/Folklore/Mythology hero’s and villains, or an optional rules set that puts dealing with Magic/Folklore/Mythology hero’s and villains, into significant detail, would be very, very beneficial for anyone who wants to play in a homebrew universe instead of the Canon Ascendant comics universe and have magic, or anyone who wishes to play in a Marvel or DC comics game, which is a common staple of players for Superhero TTRPG’s in particular.

Does give final comment:

Great Book, was not quite what he was looking for as the GM or what the group was quite looking for. Does however feel that it is a testament to the system that the worse issues we had, player issues none withstanding as no system can account for that, were mid level issues, and they as a rule something we could work our way around given some time and effort. Overall, fairly good core book, and feels like the big problem is a formatting problem. Observes that WOTC won back market dominance in the 2000’s because there copy editors were top tier at that time.


Now, we are going to have a bit of a chat about a player in the game.

The player is Dr. Entropy.

As anyone who read this whole campaign log is well aware by now, there were problems and a lot of friction with him, not fitting well at all with the group or the GM. The reason he was able to stay in and the GM was so bound and determined to not boot him out at all costs, too the point he came dangerously close more than once to me just walking from the game all together, was that Dr. Entropy’s player is in fact friends with another person that is a mutual friend of the GM’s. This mutual friend works from home so enjoy’s the luxury of being in a position were they work from home, and can just have there Discord Server running VC all day while they work clacking away at there keyboard.

Dr. Entropy’s player is in a similar situation, were he has a vast mount of time on his hands to just hang out in VC.

Because of this, the GM found he could not simply boot Dr. Entropy’s player, with out first having built and exhaustive case, and also having found time to get the mutual friend in voice chat to talk to him about it, with out Dr. Entropy’s player there to attempt to poison the well against the case.

Consequently, Dr. Entropy’s player was able to get away with absolutely abominable player behavior. Some of which I have documented here. There were however other things not documented in an effort to let the GM not have to risk the friendship with the mutual friend in order to deal with Dr. Entropy’s player. He was caught on more than one occasion fudging numbers, how many hero points he had on hand mid battle, trying to sneak things whenever we’d spend points to upgrade characters in to give himself vastly superior damage output to everyone, at one point he went into another discord server he and I are mutual in to publicly shame me on claim I was a power gamer, on the logic that there should be no circumstance a Spider-man inspired character could keep pace with his character so I simply must be munchkining. This in turn to get public pressure on me to nerf Zebraspiders capability’s mechanically to boost his own ego further. On top of the fairly sustained player vs. player campaign in which he knew and remarked that he enjoyed that I could not fight back due to GM’s rules.

All this to say, that Dr. Entropy, as a player, has been, through out this campaign, a bad faith actor from the word go, has been caught cheating more than once, and that I would tend to suggest his feedback be disregarded save for were it overlaps with other players or the GM’s feedback. Let this also serve as a cautionary tale to vet your players carefully.

Lastly, be aware that he will not be joining us for campaign 3 as I understand it.

Now, I will note, there will be some discussion, during this down time period our group finds ourselves in in the holiday’s, about weather or not we will try to use Ascendant again for the next game. Or if instead we want to attempt a different system. Whenever I report back in on the follow up with Zebraspiders post game stuff, I expect the votes will be in, so to speak, and we will know. So I will get into that, and into any future plans for campaign logging, if any, at that time.

Beyond that however, I am now going to attempt to try to archive a lot of the responses too the feedback, as I feel a lot of them would be useful for any prospective player or game-master that finds this log.