So sue me, I know this was a topic already (albeit a long time ago) but spears man... they vex me.
First, I realize that there are arguments as to historic reasons to make the spear excellent. Those don't ultimately matter when you are sitting at the game table. I also realize there are abstract reasons why the spear would be more complicated than a sword or axe. Those abstract reasons also do not particularly matter when you are sitting at the game table. (EDIT: By, "don't matter" I mean, don't matter mechanically...)
What ultimately matters is that spears have 5 advantages over all other hand weapons with very few disadvantages.
1. Spears can be used exactly the same as a sword or axe (1d6/1d8 - one handed/two handed).
2. Spears can be used from the second rank (and judging by earlier posts/clarifications can attack opponents as if in a second rank even when there is no "first" rank).
3. Spears can be used to attack an opponent acting before you in the initiative order on their count.
4. Spears can do double damage on a charge.
5. Spears can do double damage when braced against a charge.
6. Spears can be used as a ranged weapon.
This is balanced by the disadvantages that a spear weighs one full stone (instead of 1/6 for a sword/axe) and that a spear can be sundered (slightly) more easily than other weapons. This second one is hardly a disadvantage as sundering is rare to the point of non-existent from what I can tell.
With all that taken into account, the spear still heavily outclasses all other weapons.
This ultimately seems at odds with the stated intent (in those same earlier posts) that one of the reasons weapons were done as they were was to allow players to choose whatever weapon they wanted without feeling like they were losing out. Unfortunately, anyone not weilding a spear is losing out.
So... has anyone done anything effective to tone down the spear without simply saying... it's a hand weapon like all the rest and just making it work like the sword/axe? Because barring any good ideas, that's how I'm leaning for an upcoming game.