Upcoming Products?


I just wanted to clarify what products were in the pipeline.

  1. The Player’s Companion. Although the kickstarter is closed, this is available for pre-order (which gets you the draft document - thanks!), and is due in print … soon?

  2. Dwimmermount mega-dungeon, ACKS version. The kickstarter is also closed, but it seems from comments at Grognardia that it is due in print … soonish? Will the ACKS version come out after the LL version?

  3. Auran Empire setting / Borderlands gazette. The first setting book for the Auran Empire will be a gazette-style Borderlands book? There doesn’t seem to be a kickstarter for this, but comments seem to indicate that it won’t be too long (i.e. not “years”) before it sees print?

Did I get that right? Any corrections, clarifications, or obfuscations to add? :wink:



1. The Player's Companion. Although the kickstarter is closed, this is available for pre-order (which gets you the draft document - thanks!), and is due in print

APM: The PDF will be ready in June, with print available 2-3 months later.

2. Dwimmermount mega-dungeon, ACKS version. The kickstarter is also closed, but it seems from comments at Grognardia that it is due in print ... soonish? Will the ACKS version come out after the LL version?

APM: The PDF will be ready in late summer/early fall, with print available 2-3 months later.

3. Auran Empire setting / Borderlands gazette. The first setting book for the Auran Empire will be a gazette-style Borderlands book? There doesn't seem to be a kickstarter for this, but comments seem to indicate that it won't be too long (i.e. not "years") before it sees print?

APM: I would expect this either Christmas 2012 or next year.

4. Domains at War. This is close to complete. I would expect this around the same time as Dwimmermount.

Thanks - all good news!

I got the PDF of the main book last month. I live on a fixed small disability income of $650.00 a month. So getting you printed book will cost me about 10% of my monthly income. I have to pick my stuff carefully. Also I can not do the Backer bit because it would be a waste of money I need for other things. I have to questions. When is the main book going to be ready for sale. Also how much will Dwimmermount set me back when its released.

Reading the Campaign section of the ACKS core book, you mention a “Lairs and Encounters” supplement. What is the status of this?

The ACKS main rulebook will be in stores June 1. Dwimmermount is likely to be $10 in PDF and $40 in hardback.

Thank you for the rapid reply. I have a follow up question for you. As I said I bought the ACKS PDF last month. It has a #10.00 off coupon in it. I think some of the other items have a coupon with them as well. Can you plz explain how to use those.

Lairs and Encounters is partially completed and will be finished sometime in 2012.

Use the code given in the coupon when you check out at http://shop.gamesalute.com/collections/autarch/products/adventurer-conqueror-king-hardcover-preorder, or at your local store (should be on shelves June 1, or sooner if you're doing the Preview Nights program).

Any news on Lairs and Encounters?

I keep throwing money at my screen, but it isn’t working. Can we get an update on the print release of the Player’s Companion, Domains at War, and Lairs & Encounters?

Hey, if you think I’m bugging you I can only say it’s your fault for making a good product. I want…I NEED…MORE!

Player's Companion went to the printer this week. It'll be in hardcover for backers and pre-orders a little more than eight weeks from now, after which the PDF and then the hardcover will be for general sale online and in stores.

Domains at War is queued up for release right behind Player's Companion. It's basically finished except for art, layout, etc. and is mostly just waiting until we deliver on having taken folks' money for the Companion so that we can raise funds for the next project with a clear conscience.

A B/X version of Lairs & Encounters has been around since before there was an Autarch. I know some work was done on it this summer by Autarch's bound-for-great-things intern Jon Prosperi, but am not sure what the status is. The Auran Empire book is likely to come out sooner as a full-on hardcover release, but L&E seems like a good candidate for experimenting with a PDF/POD softcover that might not tie up so many of our production resources.

Thanks for the updates, Tavis!

is the B/X book called “Lairs & Encounters” or something else? Also, when was it published?

It hasn't been published, but there's a Word doc by that name that was part of the original set of stuff we pulled together when we started looking at what Autarch could do.

Ahh… I think and hope I’m on the pre-order bandwagon for the Players Companion. And the more I read Alex’s Opelenean Nights blog, the more I’m tempted to run with the Auran Empire Campaign setting book (I just recently started a new Greyhawk Campaign last week with ACKS as my current Kingmaker campaign is coming to a close).

Thanks for the kind words on the Opelenean Nights write-up! I'm glad its making you excited about Auran Empire. 

Player's Companion is done, done, done! Did you get a link to download it?

I did not. The last I’ve heard was an e-mail for my confirmation order number for the Player’s Companion + PDF bundle on Sept. 6 sent from Games Salute.

Let me investigate. Tavis is handling this. He may be going through all of the Kickstarter backers first, then doing Pre-Orders. I'll post here to let you know!

Thank You… I’ve been operating from the playtest Word document and would love to have the finished product.